December 2, 2021

Accessing New Markets for International Growth: NAB-Export Council of Australia webinar highlights

We look at which growth opportunities are present for Australian businesses looking to access new export markets and what factors may get in the way of expansion. Watch now.

The global economy has shifted and evolved over recent years and for many Australian businesses, whether new or established, expansion of export reach is critical. Which growth markets have been identified for expansion opportunity, the outlook for the Global Economy, as well as the importance of managing currency risk & cash flow was the focus of a recent NAB-ECA webinar. You can watch the video here featuring expert insights from the Export Council of Australia, Flavourtech Pty Ltd, the NAB Markets Research Team, and other industry professionals.

How a networking club grew to 23,000 strongHow a networking club grew to 23,000 strong

How a networking club grew to 23,000 strong

3 October 2024

Determined to find a way to meet up with fellow entrepreneurs, Daniel Hakim founded his own networking club. Today, his Club of United Business is creating business relationships around Australia.

How a networking club grew to 23,000 strongHow a networking club grew to 23,000 strong
