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Value over time: Has hourly billing had its day?

Value over time: Has hourly billing had its day?

29 June 2023

Could the end be nigh for the hourly billing model favoured by many professional services firms? As technology turns the dial towards value-based pricing, we examine the advantages in measuring outcomes rather than hours.

Value over time: Has hourly billing had its day?


Fired up for success

Fired up for success

31 May 2023

Hospitality business founders Bill Drakopoulos and Dave Henderson shared their experiences over a meal for NAB’s Business Founders Talk series. Hear what they had to say about the passion and drive required to build up their respective businesses.

Fired up for success


The Great Rethink: What it means for professional services

The Great Rethink: What it means for professional services

28 June 2022

The Great Rethink has employees reconsidering what they want from an employer – and whether a job fits with their lifestyle and values. Here’s how professional services firms can factor this into the value proposition they offer staff.

The Great Rethink: What it means for professional services


Key elements of a successful M&A strategy

Key elements of a successful M&A strategy

26 May 2022

Watch as our experts discuss the elements of a successful merger or acquisition, from building a solid strategy to understanding the importance of cultural fit to balancing pricing considerations.

Key elements of a successful M&A strategy


State Economic Handbook: April 2019

State Economic Handbook: April 2019

18 April 2019

Deterioration in conditions in most states, with current momentum negative. Household sector weakness evident, investment still ok (outside mining), while agri. facing easing prices and needs rain. Housing sector downturn, population growth centred on the eastern states, agricultural prices easing.

State Economic Handbook: April 2019
Changing the funding game

Changing the funding game

27 February 2019

Growth capital is more important than ever. But while we’re seeing new and innovative forms of funding stepping up to meet this need, it’s clear small and medium-sized businesses must step up too.

Changing the funding game
NAB SME Business Survey: Quarter 3 2018

NAB SME Business Survey: Quarter 3 2018

25 October 2018

Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) business conditions edged lower in Q3 2018 to +11, while SME business confidence fell to +2pts. While conditions have eased over the past two quarters, they remain well above average, though confidence has declined to below average levels.

NAB SME Business Survey: Quarter 3 2018
NAB Monthly Business Survey: August 2018

NAB Monthly Business Survey: August 2018

11 September 2018

The business conditions index rose by 2pts to +15 index points in August, recovering some of the ground lost in recent months. Business confidence fell 3pts to +4 index points and is now below average.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: August 2018
Fundamentals are good for Australian Agriculture

Fundamentals are good for Australian Agriculture

27 August 2018

The nation’s thoughts are with drought-afflicted farmers. As distressing as their current circumstances are, the encouraging news is that underlying economic conditions remain positive and will help them bounce back once the drought breaks.

Fundamentals are good for Australian Agriculture
NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey Q2 2018

NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey Q2 2018

23 August 2018

Consumer anxiety up steeply in Q2. Overall spending tightens as concerns about the economy and our household financial positions grow. Spending on utilities a key expense, and growing.

NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey Q2 2018
NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2018

NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2018

14 August 2018

The business conditions index fell by 2pts to +12 index points in July, continuing its run of declines since April. Business confidence ticked up 1pt to +7 index points, an around average level.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2018
NAB Monthly Business Survey: June 2018

NAB Monthly Business Survey: June 2018

10 July 2018

The business conditions index ticked up by 1pt to +15 index points in June, after easing in the previous month. The business confidence edged down 1pts to +6 index points, to be around its long-run average level.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: June 2018
NAB Rural Commodities Wrap July 2018

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap July 2018

10 July 2018

The NAB Rural Commodities Index gained 1.4% month on month in June, following a 3.1% gain in May. On a year on year basis, the index was down 2.9% in June. The monthly gain reflects strong lamb, wool and cotton prices.

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap July 2018
Get the community on side – sponsor a local team

Get the community on side – sponsor a local team

5 July 2018

Helping out a local sports team with sponsorship can build strong relationships with potential customers – pharmacist Silvana Gittani bet her marketing budget on it. Her success proves how many business, regardless of size, can use strategic marketing to engage with their community and forge lasting business ties.

Get the community on side – sponsor a local team
NAB Monthly Business Survey: May 2018

NAB Monthly Business Survey: May 2018

12 June 2018

The business conditions index decreased by 6pts to +15 index points, easing back from the historical highs seen in April. The business confidence index fell by 5pts to +6 index points, to be around its long-run average level.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: May 2018
Are we an entrepreneurial nation?

Are we an entrepreneurial nation?

30 May 2018

Australia is a high performer in academic research – yet when it comes to commercialising that research, we rank last in the industrialised world. It’s time for change, says the Chairman of NAB.

Are we an entrepreneurial nation?
Keeping my ‘why’ front and centre

Keeping my ‘why’ front and centre

29 May 2018

My ‘whys’ haven’t changed over 25 years at NAB. I’m still driven by the impact economics has on our lives and the importance of delivering independent analysis that helps people and institutions make better decisions.

Keeping my ‘why’ front and centre
Using trade finance to grow

Using trade finance to grow

24 May 2018

Do you own a small business that’s selling overseas or importing products and equipment into Australia? Trade finance can help you make the most of opportunities without tying up your valuable working capital.

Using trade finance to grow
Spikes in demand: preparing

Spikes in demand: preparing

10 May 2018

A big order could completely transform your business but there’s a limit to how much anyone (or any small business) can handle. BDO partner Dr Mark Pizzacalla and Total Image Group CEO Pamela Jabbour discuss preparation, parameters and being strong enough to say ‘no’.

Spikes in demand: preparing
Alipay has landed

Alipay has landed

7 May 2018

With 1.2 million visitors injecting $10 billion into the Australian economy each year, and almost one third of our international students now coming from China, Chinese custom is big business. Alibaba Australia’s MD explains Alipay.

Alipay has landed
Healing power of sweet design

Healing power of sweet design

4 May 2018

Daylight, a sense of space, a natural outlook… architecture professor Julie Willis on how Australia is taking up the ethos of beautiful hospital design.

Healing power of sweet design
Five ways to grow locally

Five ways to grow locally

3 May 2018

Heading overseas isn’t the only way to grow your business. Here are five ways to consider pumping up your revenue on home ground.

Five ways to grow locally
Essential tips for hiring staff

Essential tips for hiring staff

3 May 2018

Do you own an expanding small business? Here are some tips to get more talent on board without sending your direct costs soaring.

Essential tips for hiring staff
NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey Q1 2018

NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey Q1 2018

26 April 2018

Insights into the mindset of Australian consumers – anxieties around future spending and savings plans, household finances, the economy, financial concerns & how these are impacting spending behaviours and levels of financial hardship.

NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey Q1 2018
The secrets of successful goal-setting

The secrets of successful goal-setting

20 April 2018

Setting goals can drive business success – but it doesn’t come naturally to many small business owners. Consultant and author Stephen Barnes shares tips on how to get started, how to set effective goals and how to motivate your staff to reach their targets.

The secrets of successful goal-setting
What to expect on NAB’s 2018 Agribusiness Japan Tour

What to expect on NAB’s 2018 Agribusiness Japan Tour

20 April 2018

From June 14 to June 25, I’ll be leading NAB’s 2018 Agribusiness Japan Tour. If your business involves cattle farming, sheep farming or horticulture and you’re interested in the connections, insight and strategies being used to succeed in Asian markets, I encourage you to join me.

What to expect on NAB’s 2018 Agribusiness Japan Tour
NAB Rural Commodities Wrap March 2018

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap March 2018

6 March 2018

The NAB Rural Commodities Index gained 1.2% month on month in February, following a drop of 1.8% in January. On a year on year basis, the index was down 2.9% in February. The gain was driven by higher grain, fruit and dairy prices, offsetting falls in beef, lamb and sugar.

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap March 2018
What do SMEs really think about their accountants?

What do SMEs really think about their accountants?

26 February 2018

Accountants should be reassured that most SMEs view them as trustworthy. Yet, at the same time, they may wish to reconsider how they can better help their business clients. NAB’s inaugural Australian Accounting Industry Survey offers telling insights into what accountants are doing well – and where they could better respond to what their customers need and value.

What do SMEs really think about their accountants?
NAB Quarterly Business Survey: December Quarter 2017

NAB Quarterly Business Survey: December Quarter 2017

8 February 2018

The quarterly NAB Business Survey gives a more in-depth probe into the conditions facing Australian business than the monthly survey, and also provides extra information about how firms perceive the outlook for their respective industries.

NAB Quarterly Business Survey: December Quarter 2017
NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q4 2017

NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q4 2017

7 February 2018

NAB’s Consumer Anxiety Index* was basically unchanged in Q4 2017 at near survey lows with job security causing Australians the least stress, consistent with a strongly improving labour market.

NAB Quarterly Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q4 2017
Japan: a trustworthy and valuable trading partner

Japan: a trustworthy and valuable trading partner

16 January 2018

Japan is arguably Australia’s most important Asian ally, and its large market of wealthy consumers is a natural target for Australian businesses selling high-quality goods and services. Here are some tips to help you establish successful business relationships.

Japan: a trustworthy and valuable trading partner
League brings extraordinary women together to build businesses

League brings extraordinary women together to build businesses

16 January 2018

In 2009, Sheryl Thai had just started a business and was like any other fledgling entrepreneur: hard-working, idealistic, passionate. Yet she felt alone. What she did next became the basis of a movement that’s helped thousands of women across Australia find their business voice: the League of Extraordinary Women.

League brings extraordinary women together to build businesses
Health professionals, are you making the most of your accountant?

Health professionals, are you making the most of your accountant?

12 January 2018

Could you get more value from your financial services provider? If you only ever talk tax, you could be missing out. Stannards’ Marino Angelini explains changes in the health practice and accountant relationship and why wealth building, cost cutting and asset protection should all be part of the service.

Health professionals, are you making the most of your accountant?
Consider all the options when buying new equipment

Consider all the options when buying new equipment

7 January 2018

While there are many things to consider when buying new equipment to make your business more productive, one of the most important is finding the best way to finance the purchase. NAB Agribusiness General Manager Khan Horne is urging customers to carefully consider all available options.

Consider all the options when buying new equipment
Australia’s rising tide of craft beer

Australia’s rising tide of craft beer

11 December 2017

The craft beer industry has exploded in Australia. Four brewers explain what’s driving demand, where the sector is headed and what others entering the industry might consider.

Australia’s rising tide of craft beer
Expanding understanding through wider and deeper data capture

Expanding understanding through wider and deeper data capture

5 December 2017

Australia’s GDP continues to grow in spite of subdued wages growth and consumer spending. Gaining a greater understanding of how these contradictory trends break down across regional and metropolitan areas, as well as consumer spending categories, is behind NAB’s expansion of its Consumer Spending and Cashless Retail analyses.

Expanding understanding through wider and deeper data capture
Small town, big potential: City folks’ tree change

Small town, big potential: City folks’ tree change

14 November 2017

Moving to a regional town might seem a career-limiting step but for entrepreneurial Australians with an eye for untapped market opportunities the opposite can apply. Business View meets two former city-slickers achieving success in country Australia.

Small town, big potential: City folks’ tree change
Don’t let your business data be held to ransom

Don’t let your business data be held to ransom

23 October 2017

Threats like the recent global WannaCry and Petya ransomware attacks are a good reminder of why it’s important to ensure your business data is safe, by confirming your computer’s security updates and patches are up to date, and backing-up your business data regularly.

Don’t let your business data be held to ransom
Tree change? The pros and cons of running a rural pharmacy

Tree change? The pros and cons of running a rural pharmacy

20 October 2017

What does it take to run a successful rural pharmacy? Two business owners – including the winner of this year’s Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Pharmacy of the Year Award – discuss the challenges and rewards of working in a small town.

Tree change? The pros and cons of running a rural pharmacy
State Economic Handbook: October 2017

State Economic Handbook: October 2017

17 October 2017

Economic growth in most states is expected to strengthen somewhat in 2017-18 before moderating a little in 2018-19 as dwelling investment and LNG exports peak.

State Economic Handbook: October 2017
Sunny Queen sells happiness in an eggshell

Sunny Queen sells happiness in an eggshell

13 October 2017

It’s not just nutritional benefits and old-fashioned happiness behind the Sunny Queen egg story – the company’s embrace of digital marketing includes giving an egg its very own blog. The strategy is working.

Sunny Queen sells happiness in an eggshell
Six pack: Barossa winemakers find strength in numbers

Six pack: Barossa winemakers find strength in numbers

10 October 2017

Artisans of Barossa, a collaboration of six winemaker mates, was born following a business growth decision to band together under the one umbrella brand. The result has been a host of benefits for both the individual business owners and their beloved wine region.

Six pack: Barossa winemakers find strength in numbers
NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q2 2017

NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q2 2017

27 September 2017

Insights into the mindset of Australian consumers – their anxieties around future spending and savings plans, what drives these concerns and how they are impacting actual spending behaviours and financial hardship.

NAB Consumer Behaviour Survey: Q2 2017
Farm Management Deposits crack $6 billion

Farm Management Deposits crack $6 billion

25 September 2017

For the first time since their introduction in 1999, Farm Management Deposits have topped $6 billion. Khan Horne, General Manager of NAB Agribusiness, explains which sectors and states have fuelled this incredible growth, and what the result means for the Australian agricultural sector. Khan Horne, General Manager, NAB Agribusiness

Farm Management Deposits crack $6 billion
Industry leader on how professional services firms must change

Industry leader on how professional services firms must change

22 September 2017

Traditional law and accounting firms need to take a hard look at their business models and ways of pricing, or they risk getting left behind. The man who brought the term NewLaw to the world and has researched and written extensively on the subject gives five pieces of advice.

Industry leader on how professional services firms must change
NAB Labs Innovation Index 2017

NAB Labs Innovation Index 2017

20 September 2017

Australia’s next phase of growth must be defined by ideas, creativity and execution. Our future lies in our ability to foster a culture of innovation. But how do we measure innovation across all sizes and types of business?

NAB Labs Innovation Index 2017
Pets are big business

Pets are big business

15 September 2017

At last count, the Australian pet industry was estimated at $8 billion. Business View looks at the changing nature of pet ownership and talks to three businesses tapping into the trend.

Pets are big business
More than chemicals: Titan Ag connects with farmers

More than chemicals: Titan Ag connects with farmers

4 September 2017

After 10 years in business, Titan Ag is now a formidable strength in holistic agricultural chemical supply, respected for competitive products, relationship building – and now for being grain producers themselves.

More than chemicals: Titan Ag connects with farmers
Spotlight on China: Our biggest buyer

Spotlight on China: Our biggest buyer

18 August 2017

As Australia’s most important trading partner, China is one country your business probably shouldn’t ignore. We share tips to help you get started.

Spotlight on China: Our biggest buyer
Digital expense claims no longer a daydream for mid-market

Digital expense claims no longer a daydream for mid-market

8 August 2017

Cutting the amount of time workers spend on administrative tasks can mean big benefits for a business’ bottom line. Yet for SMEs, honing processes like expense claims often have to take a back seat to building the business. Or do they?

Digital expense claims no longer a daydream for mid-market
Millennials a generation of entrepreneurs

Millennials a generation of entrepreneurs

1 August 2017

Millennial SME owners are far more focused on growth and digital platforms than other generations, according to a new report released by NAB. But can they handle the ongoing pressure of entrepreneurship?

Millennials a generation of entrepreneurs
Cracking the global market: How Yumbah Aquaculture did it

Cracking the global market: How Yumbah Aquaculture did it

13 July 2017

Fifteen years ago, two separate groups of enthusiastic investors and abalone farmers set out to secure a footing on the global stage. It wasn’t until they joined forces in 2008 that everything changed and the farms, within the space of nine years, went from individual 70-tonne entities to being the biggest producer of abalone in the southern hemisphere.

Cracking the global market: How Yumbah Aquaculture did it
From MasterChef to meal-kit king: How HelloFresh is shaking up food delivery

From MasterChef to meal-kit king: How HelloFresh is shaking up food delivery

5 July 2017

HelloFresh doesn’t just deliver food, its very ethos is about bringing people together to cook and eat. So when the global franchise was looking to set up in Australia, management needed a particular set of skills to run the ship. Tom Rutledge, business graduate and former MasterChef contestant, was just the man for the job.

From MasterChef to meal-kit king: How HelloFresh is shaking up food delivery
NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: July 2017

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: July 2017

3 July 2017

The NAB Rural Commodities Index is an index of 28 agricultural commodities weighted by the relative size of each commodity in the Australian agricultural sector.

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: July 2017
Turning small tasks into big money

Turning small tasks into big money

19 June 2017

The gruelling task that moving house can be was the inspiration for the online marketplace startup that’s now grown to be a household name and is attracting big investment. Business View spoke to the co-founders of Airtasker, Tim Fung and Jonathan Lui, about their journey.

Turning small tasks into big money
At your service

At your service

14 June 2017

As Australia embraces digital, the business services sector is booming. Nimble and tech-savvy service providers are helping businesses reach their customers by bridging the gaps.

At your service
Insights from Mohanbir Sawhney at the World Business Forum

Insights from Mohanbir Sawhney at the World Business Forum

31 May 2017

“It’s not called failing any more, it’s called learning”: Mohanbir Sawhney, Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, details the concept of agile innovation and shares three ways in which businesses can transform to become agile innovators themselves.

Insights from Mohanbir Sawhney at the World Business Forum
SproutX boosts agtech innovation with start-up support

SproutX boosts agtech innovation with start-up support

19 May 2017

Australia has the talent and the willing investors, so what’s holding our agtech sector back? SproutX General Manager Sam Trethewey discusses a new accelerator program and national co-working space network that could put us on a par with the world’s great innovators.

SproutX boosts agtech innovation with start-up support
Fast moving Fastucas

Fast moving Fastucas

5 May 2017

Hard work and hustle have helped Melbourne cousins Ross and David Fastuca secure a string of corporate customers and win multi-million dollar backing for Travelport Locomote, their travel platform.

Fast moving Fastucas
Strategic alliances and partnering in Asia

Strategic alliances and partnering in Asia

15 March 2017

You may have reached a point where you’ve decided to explore alternatives to exporting alone to Asian markets. Forming a strategic alliance with another business of similar size and market presence can often be mutually beneficial. It’s important to understand how these kinds of partnerships work – and what the benefits are for your business.

Strategic alliances and partnering in Asia
Making international payments quickly and easily

Making international payments quickly and easily

24 February 2017

More Australian businesses are doing business overseas and with advances in technology and the strength of the Australian dollar, more and more small businesses are choosing to import goods from overseas suppliers.

Making international payments quickly and easily
Free trade agreements and what they mean for your business

Free trade agreements and what they mean for your business

15 February 2017

As an exporter, you’ll want to take advantage of any reduced costs that come your way. Free trade agreements (FTAs) do just that – and will make certain markets more attractive than others because of the greater opportunities for your business.

Free trade agreements and what they mean for your business
What Free Trade Agreements mean for importers

What Free Trade Agreements mean for importers

29 January 2017

Australia’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can have a significant impact on businesses sourcing materials from Asia, or elsewhere around the globe. It can make it easier, cheaper and faster for both you and the business you’re buying from.

What Free Trade Agreements mean for importers
Simplify your China transactions with Renminbi

Simplify your China transactions with Renminbi

23 January 2017

If you’ve been thinking about improving the efficiency of your importing or exporting business with Australia’s largest trading partner, here’s a more efficient way to settle trade transactions in China.

Simplify your China transactions with Renminbi
Daring to break with the past

Daring to break with the past

16 January 2017

In 2015, Ian Pratt led major changes to his family company, South Haven Group. He discusses its new branding, the decision to establish an independent board – and the all-importance of culture.

Daring to break with the past
Sweet taste of export success

Sweet taste of export success

13 December 2016

Cultivating fruit that’s sweet in taste, colour and consistency has positioned 2PH as a citrus market leader that can set its export price.

Sweet taste of export success
Business leaders help each other excel

Business leaders help each other excel

8 December 2016

Business leaders can feel isolated with nowhere to turn for advice or support – which is what inspired Jason Tunbridge to co-found the Leadership Think Tank. He and three members discuss the benefits of speaking out.

Business leaders help each other excel
Making hay while the sun shines

Making hay while the sun shines

24 November 2016

In 2015, JT Johnson & Sons, a fourth generation family business selling ruminant animal pellet feed and hay, celebrated its 20th anniversary with Japanese joint venture partner Asahi.

Making hay while the sun shines
Chooks run the farm in Caravan Egg business

Chooks run the farm in Caravan Egg business

22 November 2016

With an eye to adding more diversity to their beef, lamb and cropping operation, the Warner family hatched a plan to use their 1,700-hectare property to house a true free range egg enterprise. Caravan Eggs is the fast-growing result.

Chooks run the farm in Caravan Egg business
7 tips to survive and thrive as a start-up

7 tips to survive and thrive as a start-up

22 November 2016

After four years at the helm of a firm in turbo-growth phase, Podpac co-founder Toby Strong shares seven ways start-ups can manage rapid growth and live to tell the tale.

7 tips to survive and thrive as a start-up
The ultimate textile

The ultimate textile

10 November 2016

Sixth-generation farmer Charles Downie has managed Glenelg Estate through a period of drought and active stock reduction, to a flourishing flock producing some of the world’s finest fleece.

The ultimate textile
Taking advantage of government support, subsidies and grants

Taking advantage of government support, subsidies and grants

3 November 2016

Whether you’re currently exporting to Asia or merely thinking about it, a wealth of Australian Government and state support, subsidies, and grants are up for grabs. Taking advantage of any grants, subsidies, support or assistance on offer can help your business expand into overseas markets.

Taking advantage of government support, subsidies and grants
CEO Seat: Western Health’s Associate Professor Alex Cockram

CEO Seat: Western Health’s Associate Professor Alex Cockram

11 October 2016

An early love of horses almost led Western Health CEO Alex Cockram to become a veterinarian but her great interest in people’s lives, motivations and their resilience inspired her into psychiatry. It’s what’s still inspiring her today.

CEO Seat: Western Health’s Associate Professor Alex Cockram
Five simple cyber security tips for farmers

Five simple cyber security tips for farmers

6 October 2016

Technology has been a boon for farmers but it can also make them vulnerable to a cyber attack. NAB’s Chief Information Security Officer Andrew Dell and Beyond Technology’s Greg Spencer reveal the best strategies for cyber security.

Five simple cyber security tips for farmers
The entrepreneurial spirit

The entrepreneurial spirit

2 September 2016

What makes a successful entrepreneur? We asked a selection of recently interviewed business owners.

The entrepreneurial spirit
Central Queensland – gearing up for serious growth

Central Queensland – gearing up for serious growth

16 August 2016

Issues such as water access, a more efficient supply chain, and the protection of the family farm are at the heart of a new regional initiative aimed at driving a new wave of growth for Central Queensland.

Central Queensland – gearing up for serious growth
Planning for success in a general practice

Planning for success in a general practice

1 August 2016

Every business needs a plan, including a general practice. Dr Neville Steer and accountant Sue Prestney discuss the benefits of keeping a business plan short and simple.

Planning for success in a general practice
The changing face of insurance

The changing face of insurance

30 June 2016

Setting up a new business is inherently risky. Insurance can help a lot – as long as you remember to revisit it as your business grows and changes.

The changing face of insurance
24 hours with Jeremy Meltzer

24 hours with Jeremy Meltzer

17 June 2016

Jeremy Meltzer is the founder of i=Change, which gives participating online retailers an easy way to donate money from every sale. He came up with the idea of giving $1 from every sale to a development project while in New York promoting Yellingbo Gold.

24 hours with Jeremy Meltzer
A new truck every two weeks the secret to Tasty Trucks’ success

A new truck every two weeks the secret to Tasty Trucks’ success

3 June 2016

Colin Lear buys an $80,000 van for his food truck company every two weeks to ensure strong sales and lower maintenance costs. “If you’ve got a nice, new, shiny van that looks right, you’ll actually have better sales from it,” says the Tasty Trucks boss.

A new truck every two weeks the secret to Tasty Trucks’ success
Using social media to build a cult clothing label

Using social media to build a cult clothing label

2 June 2016

Six years ago, James Lillis founded the clothing label Black Milk, using the power of social media to grow a cult following. Now Queensland’s largest clothing manufacturer, with sales of more than 1000 garments a day, it’s now working on cracking the American market.

Using social media to build a cult clothing label
How to thrive in  a changing world

How to thrive in a changing world

20 May 2016

Business View magazine asks three of the speakers at the Sydney World Business Forum 2016 for their views on the biggest challenges facing the business world today.

How to thrive in  a changing world
Case study: Suzanne & Rob Acteson

Case study: Suzanne & Rob Acteson

16 May 2016

Suzanne left her high-profile position as head of the Buchanan Group Australia/New Zealand in February 2014 to take the online Habitots business she’d started in 2013 to the next level – launching a bricks and mortar version of the brand.

Case study: Suzanne & Rob Acteson
From sink or swim, to riding a wave of success

From sink or swim, to riding a wave of success

11 May 2016

With the call to entry for the 2016 Ethnic Business Awards now open, it’s the perfect time to celebrate some of 2015’s finalists and winners, including Elena Gosse, CEO of Australian Innovative Systems.

From sink or swim, to riding a wave of success
NAB Online Retail Sales Index: in depth report – March 2016

NAB Online Retail Sales Index: in depth report – March 2016

28 April 2016

Australian consumers spent an estimated $19.3 billion online in the past year, primarily on homewares, groceries, media and fashion. According to National Australia Bank’s (NAB) latest Online Retail Sales Index in-depth report, online spending increased 12.4% over the last year.

NAB Online Retail Sales Index: in depth report – March 2016
High-tech platform uses customers to fight off competition

High-tech platform uses customers to fight off competition

19 April 2016

In today’s economy with ever-increasing operational costs and competition, it’s never been more important for businesses to provide the best customer experiences possible. Ryan Townsend’s You Review is a new patented platform giving businesses the tools to do just that by turning instant customer feedback into business intelligence.

High-tech platform uses customers to fight off competition
How one woman wrangles an international agribusiness

How one woman wrangles an international agribusiness

14 April 2016

Cattle breeder Margo Hayes is the powerhouse behind Vitulus Lowline Stud, an award-winning semen and embryo export business with customers in a string of countries, including the US, the UK, Thailand and Italy. We share a day in her life.

How one woman wrangles an international agribusiness
How Johnson Partners grew by practising what it preaches

How Johnson Partners grew by practising what it preaches

12 April 2016

Hard work, patience, sound recruitment practices and good advice are behind the growth of Johnson Partners, according to Theo Rigopoulos. These attributes have helped the accountancy firm grow tenfold. Now employing 40 staff, it’s in demand with SMEs and high-net-worth individuals.

How Johnson Partners grew by practising what it preaches
NY Fashion Week founder Fern Mallis tells how to get ahead: be nice

NY Fashion Week founder Fern Mallis tells how to get ahead: be nice

31 March 2016

Fern Mallis is the founder of New York Fashion Week and has variously been described as an industry titan, doyenne, and The Godmother of Fashion. So her words of advice to those who want to work in fashion, with its reputation for attracting egotistical designers and haughty models could be considered surprising: “Be nice.”

NY Fashion Week founder Fern Mallis tells how to get ahead: be nice
The future of fashion – 3D print your shoes at home

The future of fashion – 3D print your shoes at home

30 March 2016

Jodie Fox is revolutionising the footwear industry, but she has a bigger vision for the fashion sector. Custom manufacturing is the way to keep up with evolving customer demands – and one day consumers will be able to 3D print their shoes at home.

The future of fashion – 3D print your shoes at home
Five ways to create a thriving community pharmacy

Five ways to create a thriving community pharmacy

18 March 2016

Kim Brotherson, Managing Director of Pharmacy 777 and Bruce Annabel, Pharmacy Business Consultant and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacy Management at QUT, share their top five tips for creating a thriving community pharmacy.

Five ways to create a thriving community pharmacy
A hair-raising tale

A hair-raising tale

8 March 2016

Sue Ismiel is Chief Executive Officer of Sue Ismiel & Daughters Enterprises, a family-owned company run by Sue and her three daughters, Nadine, Natalie and Naomi. Specialising in natural hair-removal products, its brands include Nad’s Hair Removal, Nad’s Laser Clinics, NitWits and PuraSkin.

A hair-raising tale
Encouraging entrepreneurship in migrant women

Encouraging entrepreneurship in migrant women

8 March 2016

Political refugee Luz Restrepo’s struggles settling in Australia led to her setting up the social enterprise SisterWorks that’s helping vulnerable women with an asylum seeker, refugee and migrant background.

Encouraging entrepreneurship in migrant women
Working the law

Working the law

7 March 2016

“Success always starts with passion and an unrelenting drive to make it work,” according to leading workplace lawyer Fay Calderone, who is a Partner at DibbsBarker Sydney.

Working the law
Beattie Wines on business innovation

Beattie Wines on business innovation

3 March 2016

VIDEO: Georgia Beattie, founder of Beatttie Wines, discusses how she plans to remain innovative over the next five years and who she is partnering with to do so.

Beattie Wines on business innovation
The dining boom

The dining boom

3 March 2016

With the mining boom at an end, the dining boom has certainly fuelled the Australian agricultural sector. This sector is 5 percent of the Small Ordinaries and has been a source of great returns over the past few years.

The dining boom
The Whisky Isle

The Whisky Isle

2 March 2016

It may traditionally have been known as the Apple Isle, but Australia’s smallest state is earning an ever-growing reputation for its production of fine single malt whisky that’s being hailed as some of the best on the planet.

The Whisky Isle
Five tips for managing growth

Five tips for managing growth

1 March 2016

Guy Biran, Managing Partner of JMp Accountants, a mid-sized accountancy firm that handles complex tax matters for some of Australia’s most dynamic businesses and wealthiest individuals, shares his top five tips for managing growth.

Five tips for managing growth
High tech solution fattens Australian cows

High tech solution fattens Australian cows

23 February 2016

An advanced software system developed in Alice Springs called Precision Pastoral Management System (PPMS) is helping cattle farmers manage their land better by identifying areas in their production cycle that need to be improved. It could add an estimated $70,000 to the bottom line for the average rangeland cattle property.

High tech solution fattens Australian cows
Investing in happy, healthy workers

Investing in happy, healthy workers

22 February 2016

The health and wellbeing revolution is sweeping through workplaces, with forward-thinking companies making an effort to promote healthier lifestyles, more flexible working conditions and better work-life balance. We discuss some simple ways SMEs can get on board.

Investing in happy, healthy workers
From tiny things big things grow

From tiny things big things grow

22 February 2016

When sisters Nikki Jurcutz and Rachael Waia co-founded the Tiny Hearts Paediatric First Aid course, they became the youngest women to own a registered training organisation in Australia.

From tiny things big things grow
A brand built on wholesome values

A brand built on wholesome values

19 February 2016

The Maitland family had already been farming for five generations when they decided to turn the durum wheat grown on their farm into healthy, wholegrain pasta. Pangkarra Foods are now selling their products across Australia and south-east Asia.

A brand built on wholesome values
Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost

Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost

18 February 2016

The recent Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper committed $4 billion to the sector but is that enough to support potential growth? Simon Talbot, CEO of the National Farmers’ Federation, discusses the gains, the gaps and why the industry needs to revisit its image.

Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost
The USA trade bonanza

The USA trade bonanza

16 February 2016

The United States of America (US) is the economic powerhouse of the world, with its largest and richest consumer market. Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA), which came into force in January 2005.

The USA trade bonanza
Five generations of Tahbilk wine

Five generations of Tahbilk wine

12 February 2016

The Purbrick family has been managing the Tahbilk winery in Victoria for five generations. It’s now managed by Alister Purbrick and his daughter Hayley, who believe they have a responsibility to leave both a sustainable environmental legacy and a successful business for future generations.

Five generations of Tahbilk wine
CEO Seat: waking the sleeping giant.

CEO Seat: waking the sleeping giant.

27 January 2016

In 2012, after a decade as Chief Executive Officer of the National Rugby League, David Gallop was appointed CEO of Football Federation Australia. He shares his mission to have the most fans and participants of any Australian sport.

CEO Seat: waking the sleeping giant.
Single origin wheat is proving an export hit

Single origin wheat is proving an export hit

20 January 2016

Run by four families, Flinders Ranges Premium Grain in South Australia has an expanding grain and flour export business that sells itself on the location and soil it’s grown in, in the same way wine does.

Single origin wheat is proving an export hit
24 Hours with Chelsea and James Ross

24 Hours with Chelsea and James Ross

18 January 2016

Husband and wife Chelsea and James Ross are the dynamic duo behind Venivici, a company that operates three – soon to be four – women’s boutique retreats in Bali and Japan under the Goddess Retreats brand.

24 Hours with Chelsea and James Ross
The value of hard work and a helping hand

The value of hard work and a helping hand

8 January 2016

“Hard work pays off” is a philosophy that Rick Hall, the Alice Springs business owner of Alice Motor Sales, off-road motorbike champion and father of five, has always subscribed to.

The value of hard work and a helping hand
Shoes of Prey takes on the US

Shoes of Prey takes on the US

14 December 2015

Shoes of Prey co-founder Jodie Fox has moved the fashion-tech company stateside. She shares her experience tackling the US market from her Santa Monica base.

Shoes of Prey takes on the US
A practice manager takes care of the business

A practice manager takes care of the business

9 December 2015

The right practice manager can improve the profitability and viability of a practice. GP Philip Gribble of the Clare Medical Centre and Gillian Leach, National CEO of the Australian Association of Practice Management, discuss the benefits of employing someone to take care of business.

A practice manager takes care of the business
Bringing a European business model to Australia

Bringing a European business model to Australia

3 December 2015

With seven facilities in Melbourne and plans to expand interstate in 2016, Kieser Training has successfully adapted a European business model to the local market. Tony Smith, Managing Director of Kieser Training, shares his top tips for bringing a European business to Australia.

Bringing a European business model to Australia
GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care

GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care

17 November 2015

Managing chronic conditions is a complex process. GP Tim Koh, co-owner of the Ocean Keys Family Practice in Western Australia, discusses how a multidisciplinary approach can help patients to take better care of themselves and why a GP is best placed to co-ordinate the team.

GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care
The added bonus of energy-efficiency

The added bonus of energy-efficiency

13 November 2015

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation is working with NAB to make energy-efficient equipment more affordable. NAB’s Robert White discusses the benefits of investing in new technology.

The added bonus of energy-efficiency
The watchmaker’s son

The watchmaker’s son

11 November 2015

Adina clock and watch making company produce 40,000 watches a year, all assembled by hand. Founded by Rob Menzies in 1971, his son Grant Menzies has now taken the reins and plans to make Adina an iconic Australian brand.

The watchmaker’s son
CEO Seat: Dr Jane Thomason on giving back

CEO Seat: Dr Jane Thomason on giving back

27 October 2015

Public health expert Dr Jane Thomason has spent the past 16 years as Chief Executive Officer of JTA International, the healthcare development consultancy she founded in 1999.

CEO Seat: Dr Jane Thomason on giving back
Investing in a new medical practice

Investing in a new medical practice

15 October 2015

A new medical practice can be designed to reflect your vision and may also cost less than an established business. Nathan Marris, Relationship Manager at Medfin Finance, shares his tips for success, and practice owner Dr Prema Joseph discusses why she chose to start from scratch.

Investing in a new medical practice
Health in Focus: Aged services insights

Health in Focus: Aged services insights

9 October 2015

Health represents one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the Australian economy. This insight paper has been prepared by NAB Health to address current issues and trends emerging in the Australian Aged Care Services sector.

Health in Focus: Aged services insights
Hiring labour in the age of Uber

Hiring labour in the age of Uber

7 October 2015

Ursula Hogben, co-founder and General Counsel of LegalVision ILP, explains what the rise of the on-demand labour market means for those hiring help.

Hiring labour in the age of Uber
Going for growth by thinking big

Going for growth by thinking big

17 September 2015

At Xerocon Melbourne 2015, David Koch hosted a session on the state of small business in Australia. It looked at the challenges faced by start-ups, the growing pains of small business and the changing role of technology in helping people build their businesses.

Going for growth by thinking big
How Eureka is making retirement more comfortable

How Eureka is making retirement more comfortable

15 September 2015

Robin Levison, Chairman of ASX-listed Eureka Group Holdings, is running a ‘shared value’ enterprise, providing quality, affordable housing for low-income seniors and giving a return to shareholders at the same time.

How Eureka is making retirement more comfortable
Ways to make the most of your star performers

Ways to make the most of your star performers

14 September 2015

The stronger the team, the more successful the company. Rob Scott from Presence of IT, an HR/payroll and workforce management consultancy, shares his tips for recruiting, retaining and managing the highly-skilled people a growing business needs.

Ways to make the most of your star performers
Turbocharging yields, slashing water consumption

Turbocharging yields, slashing water consumption

11 September 2015

KAITEKI Fresh has launched a hydroponic facility in Victoria that produces up to eight times as much high quality, high nutrient spinach, rocket and kale using less water than conventional farming and no pesticides.

Turbocharging yields, slashing water consumption
Doyennes of the kitchen

Doyennes of the kitchen

9 September 2015

Across Australia, some of the country’s leading female chefs are at the helm of thriving city-based restaurants. Here’s a taste of what they have on offer for that next business meeting.

Doyennes of the kitchen
Horn sounds for sustainability at Newcastle brewery

Horn sounds for sustainability at Newcastle brewery

7 September 2015

With demand for flavoursome craft beer with personality continuing to boom in Australia, a new brewpub with one of the country’s top brewers at the helm was guaranteed to win plenty of fans. But FogHorn Brewhouse is also gaining attention for its approach to environmental sustainability.

Horn sounds for sustainability at Newcastle brewery
Telstra’s huge play in eHealth

Telstra’s huge play in eHealth

2 September 2015

Telstra has now invested $237 million in 17 healthcare industry acquisitions, investments and partnerships in order to roll out numerous eHealth initiatives, with the ambition of establishing itself as Australia’s leading eHealth provider.

Telstra’s huge play in eHealth
The time of my life

The time of my life

28 August 2015

Former shopping centre developer, grazier, entrepreneur and now magazine owner, Peter Howarth, explains how his personal passions drove the success of his enterprises.

The time of my life
Sealing the deal over lunch

Sealing the deal over lunch

26 August 2015

Machiavelli’s Caterina Tarchi, Marque’s Mark Best and etiquette expert Anna Musson share their ingredients for hosting a successful and memorable business lunch to build rapport with clients or get a deal over the line.

Sealing the deal over lunch
Innovating signs from Newcastle

Innovating signs from Newcastle

21 August 2015

You might not know the name, but if you’ve driven a car or travelled in a bus, ferry or train lately, you’ll have seen the work of Hi-Vis Group, an innovative Newcastle-based company at the forefront of the Australian signage industry.

Innovating signs from Newcastle
Australian business at a glance

Australian business at a glance

17 August 2015

There’s no such thing as a typical Australian business. And with over 2.1 million actively trading businesses across the country that’s not surprising.

Australian business at a glance
A cut above the rest

A cut above the rest

14 August 2015

When the booming online entertainment business threatened the future of film and television production company Cutting Edge, it invested in digital channels to diversify the business and boost the bottom line. The strategy paid off with expected growth of 20 percent in 2016.

A cut above the rest
CEO Seat: Trish Hogan on transforming Pindara Private Hospital

CEO Seat: Trish Hogan on transforming Pindara Private Hospital

13 August 2015

As CEO of Pindara Private Hospital for the past seven years, Trish Hogan has steered more than $110 million worth of development, transforming the Ramsay Health Care-owned operation into the largest and most comprehensive private hospital on the Gold Coast.

CEO Seat: Trish Hogan on transforming Pindara Private Hospital
Sugar power

Sugar power

12 August 2015

Australia’s second-largest sugar producer also powers almost a third of Mackay. Quinton Hildebrand, Chief Executive Officer of Mackay Sugar, explains how a ‘nothing is wasted’ approach to the business is creating multiple income streams.

Sugar power
The entrepreneur whisperers

The entrepreneur whisperers

6 August 2015

A growing number of private company owners are taking lessons from successful business owners with the hope of developing their entrepreneurial skills and ultimately lift their business performance.

The entrepreneur whisperers
The great taste of exemplary customer service

The great taste of exemplary customer service

3 August 2015

The best small business owners are those who know what good service is and are committed to delivering it. For Christian Jackson, owner of the busy Bakers Delight store in Victoria’s seaside town of Torquay, ensuring his customers receive the best personal service possible is paramount.

The great taste of exemplary customer service
Riding the Mexican wave

Riding the Mexican wave

31 July 2015

Launching a casual home-style Mexican restaurant in Swan Street, Richmond, in 2011, Fonda now has four restaurants in Melbourne with 160 staff and annual turnover of $15 million.

Riding the Mexican wave
How to protect your assets and practice

How to protect your assets and practice

30 July 2015

Without appropriate protection, your hard-earned assets could be at risk. Paul Jarvis, whose team manages the wealth of clients in the NAB Health sector, discusses how insurance, tax planning and a collaborative team of advisers can help you build a successful practice.

How to protect your assets and practice
A visionary approach to business

A visionary approach to business

29 July 2015

Australia has proven to be particularly fertile territory for British-based Specsavers since it arrived here in 2008, famously opening 100 stores during its first 100 days down under.

A visionary approach to business
24 hours with Pete Forras, co-founder and owner of XTM

24 hours with Pete Forras, co-founder and owner of XTM

29 July 2015

After representing Australia as a professional skier, Pete Forras wanted to start a business based on his love of snow sports. Forras shares a day in the life of running XTM Australia from his beach house in Torquay.

24 hours with Pete Forras, co-founder and owner of XTM
Five ways Fastway Couriers over deliver

Five ways Fastway Couriers over deliver

28 July 2015

Richard Thame, CEO of Fastway Couriers, explains how he tackled a competitive market to carve out new business opportunities and his plans to make Fastway the courier company people think of when it comes to e-commerce and parcel delivery.

Five ways Fastway Couriers over deliver
The business of building a successful practice

The business of building a successful practice

20 July 2015

Like every other business owner, a general practitioner (GP) needs a business plan. Tristan Bond, Founder of The Healthcare Business Group, and GP Dr Karen Price discuss the benefits of a plan, what it should cover and how a business coach could help doctors to stay on track.

The business of building a successful practice
In the know: business grants

In the know: business grants

20 July 2015

Are you missing out on money that could help you grow your business? Billions of dollars in business grants are available now. GrantReady Chief Executive Officer Adrian Spencer shares his tips on how to make grants part of your business strategy.

In the know: business grants
The delicious taste of happiness

The delicious taste of happiness

17 July 2015

Twelve months after launching Doughheads, Newcastle-baker Anna Farthing is selling up to 4000 doughnuts a week. Her decadent doughnuts have hit the sweet spot with the business now employing 14 staff and averaging growth of 20 percent a month.

The delicious taste of happiness
Three steps to creating a convincing business pitch

Three steps to creating a convincing business pitch

14 July 2015

A convincing pitch helps to win new clients, secure finance and attract investors. Warren Harmer, Chief Business Planner at The Business Plan Company, outlines the importance of preparation, understanding your target audience and perfecting your spiel.

Three steps to creating a convincing business pitch
Insuring your greatest asset

Insuring your greatest asset

10 July 2015

While many owners of small-and-medium-sized businesses won’t hesitate to insure their physical assets, they often overlook the importance of insuring themselves.

Insuring your greatest asset
Designing hospitals for optimal health

Designing hospitals for optimal health

9 July 2015

Recognition that the environment in which patients are treated makes a big difference to how successful the outcomes are is driving hospital design, according to Conrad Gargett’s Managing Director Bruce Wolfe, a firm believer in what’s known as ‘Salutogenic Design’.

Designing hospitals for optimal health
Salty succulents deliver booming bounty

Salty succulents deliver booming bounty

8 July 2015

Andrew French is a Gippsland farmer who’s exceeded his own expectations by turning what could have been a disastrous event into a booming business with the help of some indigenous plant species that grew and thrived in the salty estuaries of his Snowy River property.

Salty succulents deliver booming bounty
Using online talent in your business

Using online talent in your business

7 July 2015

Australian companies are leading the world in their use of online freelancers. Kyri Theos, Australian Country Manager of Upwork, and Toby Jenkins, co-founder and CEO of Bluewire Media, discuss how having international access to millions of skilled people could change the way we do business.

Using online talent in your business
Keeping meetings on time and on track

Keeping meetings on time and on track

6 July 2015

Meetings can be an expensive use of your time. Ed Robins, Director and Principal Consultant at ProFocus Business Performance Consulting and Training, discusses the importance of testing the business case, considering alternatives and keeping everyone on track.

Keeping meetings on time and on track
Create a more successful dental practice in four steps

Create a more successful dental practice in four steps

2 July 2015

Research suggests that, for many dentists, practice management is a major challenge. Anita Roubicek, Joint Chief Executive Officer of Prime Practice dental management specialists, discusses the benefits of having a well-run practice and shares her tips for improving performance.

Create a more successful dental practice in four steps
Fifty years of pancakes and still going strong

Fifty years of pancakes and still going strong

1 July 2015

It’s half a century since the founders of The Pancake Parlour first wowed Aussie diners with fresh, delicious pancakes but age has not wearied the Melbourne dining institution whose charm and innovative strategies continue to drive its success.

Fifty years of pancakes and still going strong
24 Hours with Simon Hill

24 Hours with Simon Hill

25 June 2015

Simon Hill is the Co-founder, Director and Investor in a diverse range of e-commerce businesses. He believes in promoting a less stressful work environment by giving his employees more control over how many hours they work and from where.

24 Hours with Simon Hill
Financial acumen helps women to achieve leadership roles

Financial acumen helps women to achieve leadership roles

24 June 2015

Women are still under-represented in senior positions across public and private organisations. Speakers at the recent Women in Health Leadership symposium considered why this is the case, and whether financial acumen could help women to achieve the most senior positions.

Financial acumen helps women to achieve leadership roles
It’s child’s play

It’s child’s play

23 June 2015

Lawrence Cusdin and Brett Aldons, the two entrepreneurial friends behind Croc’s Playcentre, have taken a big bite out of the Australian child play centre market. Operating as a franchise model, they plan to have 15 centres operating nationally by the end of 2015.

It’s child’s play
Strictly love and business

Strictly love and business

12 June 2015

Husband-and-wife partners in film, theatre and entertainment production company Bazmark Inq, Baz Luhrmann and Catherine Martin reveal the secrets to their successful partnership spanning the arts, business and family life.

Strictly love and business
Continuous improvement is key to business success

Continuous improvement is key to business success

2 June 2015

Continuous improvement is fundamental to business success. Training and management consultant Derek Stockley explains how leading by example and creating the right culture can engage and motivate your employees as well as generate new ideas.

Continuous improvement is key to business success
A big business in small goods

A big business in small goods

1 June 2015

If you eat meat and live in Australia you’ve most likely eaten the award-winning fare created by Bertocchi Smallgoods, the nation’s largest continental smallgoods manufacturer.

A big business in small goods
Insights from Sarah Lewis from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

Insights from Sarah Lewis from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

28 May 2015

Harvard Professor Sarah Lewis, delivers a truly insightful session on the importance of mastery in order to successfully achieve goals and knowing how to proceed or when to quit on an idea. Read the insights from her presentation at the World Business Forum.

Insights from Sarah Lewis from the World Business Forum (Sydney)
Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)

Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)

27 May 2015

Three successful CEOs talk about the most significant challenges they’ve faced in growing their businesses and managing their own careers. Radek Sali from Swisse, Liz Butcher from ISGM and Nick Abboud from Dick Smith shared their experiences at World Business Forum with facilitator Professor Geoff Martin from Melbourne University.

Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)
A flying financial start to your medical career

A flying financial start to your medical career

26 May 2015

After years of studying to be a medical practitioner you’re finally earning an income. Philip Mawkes, a Senior Relationship Manager at Medfin, explains why it’s important to make your financial future a priority and shares a five-point plan to help you get off to a flying start.

A flying financial start to your medical career
Mergers and acquisitions are reshaping healthcare

Mergers and acquisitions are reshaping healthcare

22 May 2015

Across the health and aged care industry there is a continuing trend towards consolidation through mergers and acquisition. NAB’s Nehemiah Richardson and Natalie Smith discuss the impact of this trend and how to prepare for a merger or sale.

Mergers and acquisitions are reshaping healthcare
Business View magazine – Winter 2015

Business View magazine – Winter 2015

21 May 2015

This edition highlights some of Australia’s successful businesses. Our cover story reveals the secrets to Baz Luhrmann and Catherine Martin’s successful partnership. We also chat to John Bertocchi and Peter Paolino of Bertocchi smallgoods and Fonda co-founders David Youl and Tim McDonald.

Business View magazine – Winter 2015
Top 10 apps for small business

Top 10 apps for small business

20 May 2015

Apps are making sophisticated technology available to small businesses for little or no cost. Darnelle O’Brien, Director of The K.I.S.S Marketing Agency, discusses their benefits and shares her top 10 suggestions for places to start.

Top 10 apps for small business
Build it and they will come

Build it and they will come

1 May 2015

Crown Group CEO Iwan Sunito turned a love of drawing and desire to own his own business into a property development empire spanning Australia, Singapore and Indonesia. The group has $3.5 billion of projects in the development pipeline in Australia and Asia. He talks to Anna Fenech.

Build it and they will come
Building sustainable relationships for care in the home

Building sustainable relationships for care in the home

27 April 2015

There’s a growing need for in-home care services and we are seeing more private operators come into the sector. Caroline Ucherek and Sheree Gover from CJU Medical Marketing share their tips for driving business growth by building relationships with clients, their families and referrers.

Building sustainable relationships for care in the home
One word that can help you grow your business

One word that can help you grow your business

17 March 2015

Vince Frost has built a successful design business by saying ‘yes’ and meaning it. He discusses the benefits of a building a positive culture, the importance of moving outside your comfort zone and why it pays to think twice before saying ‘no’.

One word that can help you grow your business
The changing landscape of community pharmacy

The changing landscape of community pharmacy

12 March 2015

How can pharmacies evolve with changing times? NAB research has identified three important metrics for community pharmacies to keep an eye on to improve productivity. They include Stock turnover, dispensary to sales ratio and wage costs for sales ratio.

The changing landscape of community pharmacy
Budgeting for a more successful practice

Budgeting for a more successful practice

18 February 2015

A budget will help you to monitor the financial health of your practice – but that’s just the beginning. Stephen Allan, Credit Executive at Medfin Finance, explains how a budget can also help you to run a more productive and profitable practice.

Budgeting for a more successful practice
A new approach to risk management

A new approach to risk management

13 February 2015

A new approach to risk management looks at the range of variables rather than average values. Cam Nicholson, a farm consultant with Nicon Rural Services, explains how this approach can help shape a more effective risk management strategy.

A new approach to risk management
24 hours with Peter Maddison from Maddison Architects

24 hours with Peter Maddison from Maddison Architects

18 December 2014

Melbourne-based architect Peter Maddison splits his days between running his busy boutique architectural practice and his role as host of Grand Designs Australia. He shares a day in the life of running Maddison Architects while moonlighting as a television host.

24 hours with Peter Maddison from Maddison Architects
Collette Dinnigan: For the love of fashion and family

Collette Dinnigan: For the love of fashion and family

11 December 2014

After 24 years in business Collette Dinnigan took the bold move of restructuring her business so she could focus on the purely creative elements of being a designer and devote more time to her young family. One year on, she reflects on her decision.

Collette Dinnigan: For the love of fashion and family
Switching off

Switching off

8 December 2014

Every working environment has the potential to create stress but, when you’re running a small or medium enterprise (SME), the pressure can be particularly intense. Exercise, healthy eating and shedding unhealthy habits are recommended as some of the best methods to cope.

Switching off
The vision to make a difference

The vision to make a difference

1 December 2014

With a skilled workforce of blind and vision-impaired employees, the Royal Society for the Blind Industrial Services in South Australia has carved out a reputation for providing efficient, cost effective and high quality packaging and assembly services to a range of businesses.

The vision to make a difference
To buy or not to buy a commercial property

To buy or not to buy a commercial property

12 November 2014

It’s tempting for business owners to buy their own commercial property – the reasons are many and varied. So what’s the right step for your business? Finding an answer requires some careful consideration. We look at the pros and cons of renting versus owning.

To buy or not to buy a commercial property
Business View magazine – Summer 2014

Business View magazine – Summer 2014

3 November 2014

The latest issue of Business View magazine celebrates successful Australian business women. In our cover story we talk to top horse trainer Gai Waterhouse about overcoming barriers and what underpins the success of her business. We also chat to Collette Dinnigan and Lisa McGuigan.

Business View magazine – Summer 2014
10 tips for starting a dental practice

10 tips for starting a dental practice

13 October 2014

Starting a dental practice for the first time can be challenging, especially during the initial planning stages. One of Medfin’s leading dental finance specialists, Haydn Maddock, shares his top 10 tips for setting up a practice that’s built for success.

10 tips for starting a dental practice
Turning staff loyalty into a competitive advantage

Turning staff loyalty into a competitive advantage

10 October 2014

BRW named brand promotion business, Zinc, one of the top 10 ‘great places to work’. Believing the commitment and loyalty of his team has been fundamental to Zinc's success, Peter Cleary shares his secrets for keeping good people by creating great workplace culture.

Turning staff loyalty into a competitive advantage
Precision farmer David Cox discusses the role of technology

Precision farmer David Cox discusses the role of technology

7 October 2014

From satellite navigation to controlled traffic zonal tillage, David Cox is at the cutting-edge of precision farming. He explains how he uses technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency on his North Queensland sugarcane farm and how he’s now helping other farmers do the same.

Precision farmer David Cox discusses the role of technology
From pet project to successful vet practice

From pet project to successful vet practice

6 October 2014

After co-founding the first privately run specialist veterinary practice in Sydney, Dr Sarah Goldsmid swam against the tide of the GFC and expanded her business. A finalist in last year’s Telstra Business Women’s Awards, she explains how a passion for surgery continues to drive her success.

From pet project to successful vet practice
The big funding shortfall

The big funding shortfall

2 October 2014

A recent survey shows that over half of all Australians don’t expect to have enough money to retire on. NAB Group Chief Economist, Alan Oster and General Manager of Wealth, Business Banking, Iain Rogers look at how small business owners and individuals can better prepare for retirement.

The big funding shortfall
Alan Kohler: more than a business spectator

Alan Kohler: more than a business spectator

25 September 2014

From fresh-faced cadet journalist to business publishing kingpin, Alan Kohler has traversed a lot of ground. In his journey across the desk he’s learned the difference between business commentator and business owner, and just how much graft it takes to make a business work.

Alan Kohler: more than a business spectator
How David Koch turned the Power back on

How David Koch turned the Power back on

11 September 2014

Turning a business around can be challenging – but the tougher the turn, the sweeter the rewards. David Koch, Chairman of Port Adelaide Football Club, explains how he helped take the Power from financial hardship and the bottom of the AFL ladder to the finals in three short seasons.

How David Koch turned the Power back on
Volunteers enhancing healthcare

Volunteers enhancing healthcare

8 September 2014

Barwon Health’s Volunteers Services Director sees volunteers as community advocates who enhance the healthcare experience of consumers. Recognised at the 2014 NAB Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards, Zoe Waters is now taking her message to a wider audience.

Volunteers enhancing healthcare
Flight Centre: Still flying high

Flight Centre: Still flying high

4 September 2014

It started with two men and a double decker bus taking backpackers on cheap European trips. Against the odds, Flight Centre International has morphed into a global travel empire with an annual turnover of $14 billion. Graham Turner looks back on his successful journey.

Flight Centre: Still flying high
Allpress Espresso: The perfect cup

Allpress Espresso: The perfect cup

28 August 2014

For Allpress Espresso, creating a loyal market for their brand takes a carefully selected and dedicated group of coffee connoisseurs. We look at how they turned their start-up business in New Zealand into a leading supplier of specialty coffee in Australia, the UK and Japan.

Allpress Espresso: The perfect cup
The power of creativity

The power of creativity

25 August 2014

Creative thinking has all sorts of benefits, not just for marketing and promotion, but also for solving business problems and innovating. Advertising executive Carolyn Miller shares tips on how small businesses can benefit from creative persuasion.

The power of creativity
Building a business out of doing something you love

Building a business out of doing something you love

22 August 2014

Musician, actress and founder of Big Hearted Business, Clare Bowditch believes there’s never been more opportunity for people with good ideas to find their audience. She talks of her success and shares her tips for building a business out of doing something you love.

Building a business out of doing something you love
Starting your own dental practice

Starting your own dental practice

21 August 2014

When you’re ready to go it alone, do you buy an existing dental practice or start from scratch? Medfin CEO, Paul Freeman explores the decision-making process, and believes the end result normally stems from whether you’re more entrepreneurial or risk-averse.

Starting your own dental practice
Farmers using social media to grow their business

Farmers using social media to grow their business

15 August 2014

Social media can help you grow your business, deliver advice from international experts, even provide practical ways to help fix your tractor – but how do you know where to start? Digital strategist Tim Gentle explains how to develop a strategy for making the most of online opportunities.

Farmers using social media to grow their business
Easy ways to innovate for success

Easy ways to innovate for success

5 August 2014

Innovation is often confused with invention, but it’s fundamental to business growth and maintaining a competitive edge. Chris Gebhardt, Director of William Buck, discusses the importance of building an innovative culture and suggests simple ways for generating new ideas.

Easy ways to innovate for success
Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable

Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable

15 July 2014

With information about prices, market trends and the supply chain, farmers can plan more effectively and run a more profitable business. Mick Keogh, Executive Director of the Australian Farm Institute (AFI), explains the importance of statistics and where to find the most useful ones.

Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable
Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey

Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey

14 July 2014

Australian businesses are increasingly exporting to Asia. Business View talks to Thermal Electric Elements (TEE), a manufacturer of custom-made heating units and elements, about their journey east and the impact it’s had on their business so far.

Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey
Aussie Importers and their Eastern Odyssey

Aussie Importers and their Eastern Odyssey

2 July 2014

Australians are increasingly importing from Asia. Business View talks to designer, Christina Re about her journey east, the impact it’s had on her Aussie-based business, and how she believes Asia provides scope for growth and the opportunity to create beautiful products.

Aussie Importers and their Eastern Odyssey
How Facebook can help build your business

How Facebook can help build your business

1 July 2014

Facebook can be good for business, but many business owners aren’t sure how to use it effectively. Steve Hibberd, co-founder of Tiger Pistol, discusses ways to make the most of Facebook by getting your message to the right people, as well as a special offer for NAB Business customers.

How Facebook can help build your business
Farming flipped on its head

Farming flipped on its head

30 June 2014

The Crothers family saw a bright future ahead in the cotton industry, but moving from livestock meant taking on a massive challenge. Douglas Crothers talks about storing a year’s supply of water, completely restructuring the farm, and the need to plan for a sound financial future.

Farming flipped on its head
Opening milk prices – now is the time to review plans

Opening milk prices – now is the time to review plans

27 June 2014

Dairy farmers are encouraged to review budgets and timing for any capital expenditure plans off the back of opening dairy price forecasts. NAB’s Neil Findlay says these plus this financial year’s stronger finish should support the confidence that’s been returning to southern producers.

Opening milk prices – now is the time to review plans
Top end of financial year strategies for business owners

Top end of financial year strategies for business owners

26 June 2014

The end of financial year is a busy time for the businesses, but there’s still an opportunity to get yours into shape for June 30. Executive General Manager of NAB Business, Angela Mentis shares seven practical strategies to help your business make the most of tax time.

Top end of financial year strategies for business owners
Blending family and business

Blending family and business

16 June 2014

From deep within the Victorian Mallee, the de Pieri and Carrazza clans are as renowned for blending family and business as they are for blending a great beer. Mildura’s popular brewers and restaurateurs, Stefano and Donata, talk to Business View about achieving the right mix.

Blending family and business
Finding new ways for dryland farmers to stay profitable

Finding new ways for dryland farmers to stay profitable

6 June 2014

Ninety three percent of Australia’s annual grain crop is grown under dryland conditions. Southern Panel Chair of the Grains Research and Development Corporation, explains how national and international research is helping farmers in this challenging environment.

Finding new ways for dryland farmers to stay profitable
Business View magazine – Winter 2014

Business View magazine – Winter 2014

4 June 2014

In this edition, Business View magazine highlights the success of businesses working with, inspired and supported by family. Our cover story features how Mildura Brewery owners Stefano de Pieri and wife Donata Carrazza successfully blend family and business.

Business View magazine – Winter 2014
Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

29 May 2014

Good ideas with no execution ends in no results. There are seven simple tools for developing a culture of excellent execution, says global business and leadership consultant Ram Charan. He has worked extensively with some of the world’s leading corporates.

Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)
Insights from Lyn Heward from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

Insights from Lyn Heward from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

28 May 2014

Lyn Heward, former Director of Creation, President and COO of the Creative Content Division of Cirque du Soleil challenges every individual and company to go through what she calls ‘the seven doors’ to enhance creativity, motivate high performers and foster innovation.

Insights from Lyn Heward from the World Business Forum (Sydney)
Fact sheets – Federal Budget 2014

Fact sheets – Federal Budget 2014

14 May 2014

Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey handed down the 2014 Federal Budget last night and there’s plenty to talk about. Our team of economists have analysed what it means for you, your business and a variety of key industries with our summary fact sheets.

Fact sheets – Federal Budget 2014
2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis

2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis

13 May 2014

There’s a lot of change in this year’s budget, so understanding how the Federal Budget impacts you and your business can be challenging. That’s why our team of economists and industry experts have been working around the clock to break it down.

2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis
2014 Federal Budget preview

2014 Federal Budget preview

9 May 2014

NAB Group Chief Economist Alan Oster provides a pre-budget overview of what he thinks we can expect to hear from Treasurer Joe Hockey’s first Federal Budget announcement next week.

2014 Federal Budget preview
China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses

China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses

5 May 2014

Patrick Vizzone, Regional Head of Food & Agribusiness, Asia, Institutional Banking reflects on how the outcomes of last November’s Third Plenary Session of China’s Communist Party’s Central Committee may shape the Australian agriculture sector.

China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses
Australian wine producers on the way to China

Australian wine producers on the way to China

24 April 2014

China is the world’s biggest market for red wine at 1.87 billion bottles in 2013. Australian wine producers are invited to experience first-hand Chinese tastes, the local industry and build valuable contacts with a wine study tour to China and Hong Kong.

Australian wine producers on the way to China
The world in figures: Travel and tourism

The world in figures: Travel and tourism

14 April 2014

In 2014, Asia will lead the way with outbound tourism growing by 7.9% according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. Whilst tourism worldwide will grow by a strong 5.3% in 2014, the biggest increase since 2010.

The world in figures: Travel and tourism
Winning Woolworths 2013 Supplier of the Year

Winning Woolworths 2013 Supplier of the Year

31 March 2014

Montague Fresh fought off tough competition to win the prestigious Woolworths 2013 Supplier of the Year Award. Ray Montague and his son Scott discuss the key to their success and how things have changed during their 50-year relationship with Woolworths.

Winning Woolworths 2013 Supplier of the Year
The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

27 March 2014

There’s been a lot for Aussie businesses to talk about recently, from shoes to defence contracts - Australian and global markets appear to be bursting with opportunities. Here's a selection of business insights to help you uncover the opportunities across all business sectors in 2014

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap
A family dynasty on track

A family dynasty on track

14 March 2014

Running a business with family members has its challenges and benefits. But Bart and James Cummings are proof that a cross-generational family business can work and, through their training partnership, it can survive and even thrive.

A family dynasty on track
The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

6 March 2014

M&A has been a big theme recently, with entrepreneurs and established businesses alike snapping up opportunities. Air-con was a burning issue and property developers were dancing at the prospect of better funding and more opportunities.

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap
Marketing a healthcare practice

Marketing a healthcare practice

6 March 2014

Marketing can help you to build a practice, run it successfully and ultimately make a profitable exit. Jason Borody, Managing Director of Vividus Marketing, talks about opportunities, challenges and how the internet has made communications a priority for the healthcare sector.

Marketing a healthcare practice
The business of kids’ health

The business of kids’ health

13 February 2014

Monica Meldrum was named '2013 Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year' at last year’s NAB Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards. Here, she discusses the increasing demand for 'clean' food and how her fast-growing business Whole Kids is committed to improving children’s health.

The business of kids’ health
Robots open the door to more profitable farming

Robots open the door to more profitable farming

7 February 2014

Robots are rapidly moving out of science fiction and on to the farm. Salah Sukkarieh, Professor of Robotics and Intelligence Systems at the University of Sydney, says they could soon be helping farmers to cut costs and increase yield - and that now is the time to prepare.

Robots open the door to more profitable farming
The wide world of sports: importing and exporting

The wide world of sports: importing and exporting

7 February 2014

Australia is a nation that prides itself on sports and we have plenty of options when it comes to sourcing our equipment and selling it. Here are some interesting facts and tips for your consideration.

The wide world of sports: importing and exporting
The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

6 February 2014

There’s been a lot for Aussie businesses to talk about recently - from community newspapers to consumption of whiskey. Here's a selection of recent business insights to help you uncover the opportunities across all business sectors.

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap
The perfect pitch

The perfect pitch

5 February 2014

Pitching for new business is a fine art. For the last six years, as CEO of the Victorian Major Events Company – which has won such iconic events as the 2006 Commonwealth Games, the 2010 Cycling World Championships and the Formula 1 Grand Prix – Brendan McClements knows how to get it right.

The perfect pitch
2015 Asian Cup: Australian business opportunities

2015 Asian Cup: Australian business opportunities

31 January 2014

With the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup set to come to town in January 2015, it’s time to think about how Australian businesses can benefit from the influx of tourists and anticipated $225 million boost to the economy.

2015 Asian Cup: Australian business opportunities
Make the most of 2014: top tips for your business

Make the most of 2014: top tips for your business

28 January 2014

As Australian business owners return from the summer break, there’s plenty for them to be positive about. Now is the time to be planning ahead, so we’ve developed 10 top tips for SMEs to ensure they make the most of opportunities and grow their business in 2014.

Make the most of 2014: top tips for your business
Riding the change of seasons

Riding the change of seasons

24 January 2014

Running a seasonal business can be challenging, but strategic planning can help even out the ups and downs. Manly Surf School’s founder Matt Grainger discusses managing the swells and lulls of a surf school, and the importance of saving for a rainy day.

Riding the change of seasons
The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

23 January 2014

There’s been a lot for Aussie businesses to talk about so far in 2014 - from weather predictions to our reading habits. Here’s a selection of recent business insights to help you uncover the opportunities across all business sectors in 2014.

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap
Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking in rural communities

Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking in rural communities

22 January 2014

Entrepreneurial thinking can strengthen rural businesses and reinvigorate entire communities. Dr Yasmin Chalmers, Director of Marcus Oldham College’s Centre for the Study of Rural Australia, explains how the EntruBIZ program is helping people to think in an entrepreneurial way.

Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking in rural communities
Emerging opportunities for facility management providers

Emerging opportunities for facility management providers

22 January 2014

As our population ages and demand for facility management services increases, hospitals are doing their best to manage costs. Ivan Fernandez, Industry Director at Frost & Sullivan, suggests ways for facility management providers to identify new opportunities and overcome challenges.

Emerging opportunities for facility management providers
The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier

The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier

7 January 2014

Start to prepare for a new era in the Australian Chinese relationship. Well within five years, instead of simply looking at Chinese manufacturing, Australia will look at the tourist bookings due to a very big rise in Chinese tourism.

The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier
New Year: a time to refresh and make the most of opportunities

New Year: a time to refresh and make the most of opportunities

6 January 2014

New Year is the perfect time to be considering and reviewing your strategies for the year and putting your plans in place to make the most of opportunities. Our message to farmers is that if they’re ready for more in 2014, we’re here and ready for them.

New Year: a time to refresh and make the most of opportunities
Growing profits in a time of reform

Growing profits in a time of reform

20 November 2013

As Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) reforms continue to roll out, many pharmacists are taking a broader approach to boosting profits. Pharmacy owner and Managing Director of Rx Management, John Loveridge, discusses the changes and strategies for mitigating their impact.

Growing profits in a time of reform
Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business

Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business

17 October 2013

Farmers’ Markets are helping to bridge the gap between the city and the farm. Jane Adams, National Representative of the Australian Farmers’ Markets Association, explains how farmers can benefit from selling directly to their consumers.

Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business
A Tasmanian flyaway success

A Tasmanian flyaway success

16 October 2013

Aviation businesses are notoriously expensive and, when you're flying a seaplane, there's an extra layer of complexity. Tim Robertson discusses how he and fellow aviator Christiaan Durrant overcame the challenges to make Tasmanian Air Adventures an award-winning success.

A Tasmanian flyaway success
Mary Queen of Shops’ top tips for small businesses

Mary Queen of Shops’ top tips for small businesses

16 October 2013

Best known for her BBC TV series, Mary Queen of Shops, Mary Portas shared her top tips for small businesses during her recent visit to Australia to promote Support Small Business Day - a Victorian Government initiative in partnership with NAB.

Mary Queen of Shops’ top tips for small businesses
Getting your practice ready for sale

Getting your practice ready for sale

3 October 2013

It’s never too early to get your practice ready for sale. As Paul Freeman, Chief Executive Officer of Medfin Finance, points out, potential purchasers look for the kind of well-run business that's also efficient and profitable for you. Here are his tips for getting it up to speed.

Getting your practice ready for sale
Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture

Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture

2 October 2013

The 2011 Agricultural Census reveals an evolving sector - in terms of both farm and farmer. With bigger farms and more sophisticated owners to contend with, service providers need to prepare for a new and challenging landscape.

Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture
New market opportunities for wine in China

New market opportunities for wine in China

30 September 2013

Wine sales in China are expected to increase 50 percent between 2013 and 2016. Australian wine producers have the opportunity to differentiate themselves from international competitors by concentrating on marketing more premium vintages in China.

New market opportunities for wine in China
The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost

The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost

11 September 2013

The Patient-Centred Medical Home (PCMH) could improve overall population health and lower the cost of healthcare. Dr Eleanor Chew, Vice President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, explains the benefits of a voluntary system where one GP co-ordinates patient care.

The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost
Reduce the risk when offering credit to customers

Reduce the risk when offering credit to customers

5 September 2013

If you're looking to grow your business, offering credit to your customers can be a smart business move as long as the process is carefully managed. Danielle Woods of Dun & Bradstreet, suggests practical ways to avoid the pitfalls.

Reduce the risk when offering credit to customers
Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset

Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset

4 September 2013

Four years ago, John Gladigau joined forces with fellow farmer Robin Schaefer to create a new business, Bulla Burra. Here Gladigau explains how the collaboration has led to improved efficiency, economies of scale and even a better lifestyle.

Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset
Indonesia: a growing market for Australian farmers

Indonesia: a growing market for Australian farmers

27 August 2013

Like China, Indonesia has a fast-growing middle class with an appetite for Australian produce. Grant Healy, Director of NAB's Asia Desk, discusses the business opportunities, available resources and the importance of paying a visit.

Indonesia: a growing market for Australian farmers
Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible

Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible

20 August 2013

Telehealth could provide many Australians with easier access to healthcare, monitor chronic illnesses more effectively and assist the ageing population. Dr James Freeman (pictured) founded GP2U to remove logistical obstacles to the uptake of telehealth, but other challenges remain.

Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible
Stepping back from total control

Stepping back from total control

19 August 2013

A business that depends on one person for its success is a business at risk - but stepping back is rarely easy, particularly for the founder of a family business. Bill Noye, Partner in charge of KPMG Private Enterprise in Brisbane, suggests ways to make the process as smooth as possible.

Stepping back from total control
NSQHS Standards are improving the health system

NSQHS Standards are improving the health system

14 August 2013

Since new standards for hospitals and day surgeries took effect in January 2013, there have been signs of improvements for patients that also make financial sense. Professor Picone AM, CEO of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, discusses the initiative.

NSQHS Standards are improving the health system
Business View Magazine – Winter 2013

Business View Magazine – Winter 2013

23 July 2013

In this edition, we delve into the experiences of finance commentator turned business builder Alan Kohler, detail bringing an invention to life and explore running a business in an extreme climate. We also cover retaining staff, handling tax in your SMSF and negotiating contracts in China.

Business View Magazine – Winter 2013
Talking Shop – Winter 2013

Talking Shop – Winter 2013

22 July 2013

The Winter edition of Talking Shop has a new look in addition to the usual insights from industry experts on the latest security, technology and industry developments. We look at how to generate more sales, how to reduce the risk of online fraud and more.

Talking Shop – Winter 2013
Health care – Australia’s biggest employer

Health care – Australia’s biggest employer

19 July 2013

According to the 2011 Census, the Health Care and Social Assistance industry is now Australia’s biggest employer. The Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association’s Andrew McAuliffe discusses increasing demand, unequal growth and opportunities for innovation.

Health care – Australia’s biggest employer
More value for less effort – the secret of Lean

More value for less effort – the secret of Lean

16 July 2013

Being Lean worked for Toyota - could it work for you? Chris Foster, KPMG Director, National LEAN Service Line Leader, explains the five basic principles of the Lean system and how doing less work can create more customer value.

More value for less effort – the secret of Lean
Pharmacists set to play an increasingly important role

Pharmacists set to play an increasingly important role

15 July 2013

Pharmacists are helping to reduce pressure on the health system and improve quality of life. President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Kos Sclavos, discusses the importance of pharmacists retaining their sustainable competitive advantage in the face of growing retail competition.

Pharmacists set to play an increasingly important role
Opportunities for Australian agribusiness in China

Opportunities for Australian agribusiness in China

10 July 2013

22 years after his first visit, Michael Jackson, a beef farmer and specialist in agricultural real estate, accompanied the NAB Agribusiness team on a 10-day study tour of China. Here, he discusses the country’s development, current opportunities and why he’s since made a third trip.

Opportunities for Australian agribusiness in China
Growing your business successfully

Growing your business successfully

3 July 2013

Growth is the engine that drives a business - but it’s also an ongoing challenge that brings many businesses unstuck. So how can you ensure your business is set up for growth? Dr Richard Shrapnel, Executive Director at Pitcher Partners, shares some practical suggestions.

Growing your business successfully
Could teleworking be good for business?

Could teleworking be good for business?

26 June 2013

The NBN will make it possible for more employees to work anywhere - could that be good for your business? Dr Yvette Blount, Research Coordinator of Macquarie University’s Anywhere Working Research Network, discusses the benefits and obstacles you might want to consider.

Could teleworking be good for business?
Things to consider before setting up a general practice

Things to consider before setting up a general practice

21 June 2013

A GP setting up a private practice needs to consider everything that comes with owning a business from demographics to finance, taxation, employment and compliance issues. Paul Freeman, CEO of Medfin Finance, explains how to avoid the pitfalls.

Things to consider before setting up a general practice
Mentoring – effective, affordable help with your business

Mentoring – effective, affordable help with your business

17 June 2013

The right mentor could help you resolve issues, avoid pitfalls and feel more confident in moving forward. In New South Wales and Victoria, the not-for-profit Small Business Mentoring Service brings businesses and mentors together. Chief Executive Officer David Gregory explains the benefits

Mentoring – effective, affordable help with your business
Tax time tools – Farm Management Deposits

Tax time tools – Farm Management Deposits

13 June 2013

Nationally, farmers have been using Farm Management Deposits (FMDs) at record rates - the biggest month for deposits each year has traditionally been June, as farmers look to take advantage of tax benefits before financial year end.

Tax time tools – Farm Management Deposits
Key considerations for your business strategy into China

Key considerations for your business strategy into China

23 May 2013

Considering doing business with China? Australia China Business Week, the most significant Sino-Australian business events of the year, kicked off in Shanghai last month ahead of upcoming events in Melbourne and Sydney. We reveal the insights shared by the Shanghai delegates.

Key considerations for your business strategy into China
Do you know the value of your business?

Do you know the value of your business?

10 May 2013

Do you know how much your business is worth? A valuation can provide a sound foundation for growth as well as help you to get the best possible outcome from a future sale or merger. Greg Hayes, Chairman of Hayes Knight National Group, explains how.

Do you know the value of your business?
Five steps that lead to a purchase

Five steps that lead to a purchase

26 April 2013

Understanding the steps that lead to a purchase can help you to market your business more effectively. Mark Fletcher, Principal Consultant at ShopScience, shows how to map the ‘customer journey’ for your target markets and make the most of the insights this provides

Five steps that lead to a purchase
The farmgate to China is open

The farmgate to China is open

24 April 2013

If you want to do business in China, you have to go there. Developing relationships and understanding the intricacies of doing business are vital to successfully taking advantage of the opportunities presented by Asia’s growing population and wealth.

The farmgate to China is open
The science of shopping

The science of shopping

17 April 2013

The internet has created a new breed of empowered and informed shoppers who know what they want and won’t settle for less. ShopScience’s Principal Consultant, Mark Fletcher, shares his insights on how they think, and how to make the most of their changing expectations.

The science of shopping
5 tips for managing your time

5 tips for managing your time

14 March 2013

Not enough hours in the day? Good time management can help you to grow your business and enjoy a healthy work-life balance. Time management specialist Geoff Prior helps people to work more effectively – and here he shares his top five tips.

5 tips for managing your time
A transformation success story – Craig Mostyn

A transformation success story – Craig Mostyn

12 March 2013

From the brink of breaching environmental standards to a leading diversified food and agribusiness company – CEO David Lock talks about transforming the Craig Mostyn Group, securing a supply chain and tapping into consumer preferences.

A transformation success story – Craig Mostyn
NAB tips for budgeting and grain marketing for 2013

NAB tips for budgeting and grain marketing for 2013

18 February 2013

Grain growers who have done their homework will usually get opportunities through the year to lock in price spikes above $300 per tonne and hopefully healthy margins. NAB’s Director of Commodities, Business Markets believes preparation is the key aspect of managing risk for grain growers

NAB tips for budgeting and grain marketing for 2013
Strategies to build, manage and protect your wealth

Strategies to build, manage and protect your wealth

1 February 2013

As a business owner, you diversify risks and investments everyday, but you mightn’t be doing this in your personal life. This week on Kochie’s Business Builders, Iain Rogers of NAB Wealth shares some simple strategies that’ll help build, manage and protect your wealth for the future.

Strategies to build, manage and protect your wealth
The importance of crisis management planning

The importance of crisis management planning

1 February 2013

This week on Kochie’s Business Builders, founding partner of La Porchetta, Sara Pantaleo and NAB Business Banking Manager James Tickner discuss the importance of having a crisis management plan and what to consider when creating your own plan.

The importance of crisis management planning
Common business mistakes

Common business mistakes

31 January 2013

Bad business mistakes happen to good people, according to author and entrepreneur, Mathew Dickerson. Here, Mathew explains to Business View where some businesses stumble and reveals his list of common mistakes to avoid in business.

Common business mistakes
Business View Magazine – Summer 2012

Business View Magazine – Summer 2012

21 January 2013

In this edition of Business View, we talk to Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan and hear from some of Australia’s most unique and successful business owners, including Maggie Beer. We also offer new angles on pricing, marketing, self managed super funds and creativity in the workplace.

Business View Magazine – Summer 2012
New Year’s resolutions for agriculture

New Year’s resolutions for agriculture

21 January 2013

The New Year is a time to reflect and review – and that goes as much for your business as any other aspect of your life. That’s why NAB is encouraging farmers and those beyond the farm gate to spend some time now planning for 2013.

New Year’s resolutions for agriculture
Tips on how to get paid quicker and easier when you are on the go

Tips on how to get paid quicker and easier when you are on the go

8 November 2012

Accepting payments on the go is vital for some small businesses success. This week as featured on Kochie’s Business Builders, Cindy Batchelor from our NAB Small Business Banking team presents our top tips to getting paid quicker and easier on the go. Watch Cindy’s tip.

Tips on how to get paid quicker and easier when you are on the go
Talking Shop Winter 2012

Talking Shop Winter 2012

3 October 2012

In this issue, we discuss ways to reduce overall merchant service fees, provide tips on mitigating risks to your online business and reveal the winner of our Post-a-Pic competition.

Talking Shop Winter 2012
Business View Magazine – Winter 2012

Business View Magazine – Winter 2012

15 July 2012

This digital version of the 13th issue of Business View includes case studies and features designed to help you get your business firing on all cylinders.

Business View Magazine – Winter 2012
India focus

India focus

28 April 2012

How can Australian SMEs make inroads into India? We speak with Austrade’s Senior Trade Commissioner, Peter Linford in New Delhi.

India focus
Five goals to add to your business plan

Five goals to add to your business plan

30 January 2012

 In the current business climate, businesses need to plan and out-think the competition or risk being left behind as others steal market share. Help get your business on track by embedding five goals into your business plan.

Five goals to add to your business plan
Partnering up

Partnering up

30 January 2012

Could forming a partnership boost your business prospects? Ashurst Partner, David McManus talks through some of the fine print.

Partnering up
Foundations of business success

Foundations of business success

30 December 2011

What’s the key to long-term business growth? Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory explain how they’ve adapted to keep going strong for over 120 years.

Foundations of business success
Preparing for the unexpected

Preparing for the unexpected

4 December 2011

Businesses can't plan for every adversity but Italian restaurant franchise, La Porchetta has proved that a good crisis plan helps owners and employees deal with the worst of tragedies.

Preparing for the unexpected
Tips for small business owners

Tips for small business owners

30 October 2011

What can businesses do to stay ahead of the pack? Peter Strong, Executive Director, Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA), lists his top tips for small business success.

Tips for small business owners
Cloud computing

Cloud computing

30 October 2011

Cloud computing can slash costs and drive productivity. Google’s Stuart McLean explains how.

Cloud computing
Is your agribusiness covered?

Is your agribusiness covered?

30 September 2011

In the world of agribusiness, coping with adversity is often part of the job. However, when a serious accident or illness strikes, both the farm and family security are at risk unless steps have been taken to protect income and assets. “Because most farm businesses rely on family members to keep the productive unit running, […]

Is your agribusiness covered?
Shopping for a business loan

Shopping for a business loan

25 July 2011

Good loan advice can bring your business plan to life and give you breathing space as interest rates change. We share some tips on loan selection.

Shopping for a business loan
Top tips for global competitiveness

Top tips for global competitiveness

30 June 2011

Increasingly, Australian agribusinesses are competing with supply from South America and Africa to feed Asia and the northern hemisphere. NAB’s 2010 Agribusiness Leader of the Year, Alan Winney, explains how to profit from this trend.

Top tips for global competitiveness
Running a meeting

Running a meeting

31 May 2011

Do you run business meetings that tend to go overtime and don’t stick to the agenda? How you chair a meeting can impact dramatically on the outcome. From body language to voice tone, here are some tips to help chair with flair.

Running a meeting
Goal setting

Goal setting

30 May 2011

Setting goals is an important part of business growth. And that means having a clearly defined strategy that embraces all levels of your business.

Goal setting
Turning debtor invoices into cash

Turning debtor invoices into cash

28 April 2011

Many businesses are familiar with the stress of waiting for multiple customer invoices to be paid and concerned with the need to extend credit. This is where invoice finance may be a viable option. The most obvious advantage of invoice finance is the ability to improve core cash flow by converting debtor invoices into cash. […]

Turning debtor invoices into cash
Business reporting

Business reporting

18 March 2011

You can’t manage it if you can’t measure it. But how do you get your reporting systems to accurately portray what you really need to know?

Business reporting
Time management

Time management

31 December 2010

You know the feeling – a day spent frantically chasing your tail only to come out the other side feeling as if you’ve achieved nothing at all. Blake Beattie, speaker, consultant, performance engineer and author of Bullseye! The Ultimate Guide To Achieving Your Goals offers practical guidance how to stop sabotaging your own success by […]

Time management
Succession planning

Succession planning

30 September 2010

It’s said that the ideal time to plan to move out of your business is when you start it, but – in reality – most business owners’ eyes are not on the exit from day one. Deloitte partner Craig Holland, author of The Art of Business Succession, reports that fewer than 30 per cent of family […]

Succession planning
Five ways to improve your cash flow

Five ways to improve your cash flow

30 September 2010

Managing a cash squeeze is a challenge for many agribusinesses, especially when faced with unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, injury or even a fleet of late payers. Read our five-point strategy for healthy cash flow management.

Five ways to improve your cash flow
Free up cash in your agribusiness

Free up cash in your agribusiness

30 September 2010

Good cash flow management is critical to business success. While at times it may prove difficult to manage, it’s important to recognise there are different levers that agribusinesses can consider to help improve their payment systems and free up more cash. Glenn Cox, Senior Agribusiness Manager at the Griffith Agribusiness Centre, suggests businesses consider the […]

Free up cash in your agribusiness
Marketing: Get effective results

Marketing: Get effective results

30 October 2009

In challenging times, it's no surprise that marketing budgets tend to be reduced. However, research suggests that businesses who either maintained or increased their marketing in these times were able to recover more quickly as the environment improved.

Marketing: Get effective results
Improve performance with a sales structure

Improve performance with a sales structure

30 September 2009

Adopting a systemised sales structure not only leads to greater efficiency for the sales team but also strengthens overall business performance. Many of Lackovic’s clients complain that, while they’re able to systemise processes such as accounts, administration, recruitment and so on, it’s very difficult to systemise sales. But without a structure, he says, sales teams […]

Improve performance with a sales structure
Outsourcing for effective marketing

Outsourcing for effective marketing

30 June 2009

Today’s marketing environment is constantly evolving. And for many businesses, particularly smaller businesses, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to devote the resources and time needed to maintain a consistent, strategic approach to marketing and customer communications. Relieving marketing pressure and allowing a business to focus on its core competencies are the obvious benefits of bringing in […]

Outsourcing for effective marketing
The power of brand

The power of brand

30 April 2009

A strong brand is more than a well-designed logo that opens the door to a business. The experts will tell you a brand is what your customers think, feel and say about your product and service.

The power of brand