April 9, 2024

New R&A Outlook podcast: Making the most of Farm Management Deposits

Take a closer look at Australia’s Farm Management Deposits scheme with NAB senior leaders.

Australia’s Farm Management Deposits scheme plays a hugely important role in allowing primary producers to plan for the future by helping them deal more effectively with fluctuations in cash flow.

In our latest Regional & Agribusiness podcast, NAB senior economist Brody Viney is joined by Khan Horne, Executive for Regional and Agribusiness, and Melissa Hepworth, Executive of Business Execution Regional and Agribusiness, to discuss how to make the most of the scheme as we approach the end of the financial year.

Together, they cover:

  1. The huge growth in funds being placed in Farm Management Deposits (FMDs)
  2. The minimum and maximum amounts that can be deposited or withdrawn
  3. How FMDs work as an income smoothing and tax planning tool
  4. Why timely expert advice is critical to make the most of FMDs

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: February 2025NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: February 2025

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: February 2025

24 February 2025

The NAB Rural Commodities Index moved marginally higher in January, rising by 0.4% month-on-month, underpinned by higher average prices for beef and a more modest increase in dairy prices in the month.

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: February 2025NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: February 2025
