July 21, 2022

The Accounting M&A Report 2022

Planning a merger or acquisition for your accounting firm? The Accounting M&A Report 2022 has the insights, data and strategies you need to succeed.

Did you know?

1 in 3 firms are planning to grow by acquisition

2:1 It’s a seller’s market – with twice as many firms looking to buy than sell

80% of firms hungriest to sell are valued at under 10m

44% are planning to buy or sell in the next 2 years

With the growing demand for accounting services, accounting firms have plenty of opportunities to take advantage of growth – but competition is strong. Understanding just what makes a merger or acquisition successful, getting a plan in order and navigating the latest statistics are key to being ready.

What’s inside?

  • Smart strategies for navigating a successful merger or acquisition
  • Hard data and insights to guide your next move
  • Expert tips on how to remain competitive
  • Practical resources and checklists to help plan your M&A

The full report is ready for you to explore now. Download NAB Accounting Industry Report