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From Arianna Huffington, Daniel Goleman, Randi Zuckerberg and more, we share the most insightful quotes from the speakers of World Business Forum 2017.
Simplicity is about perception, authenticity and doing fewer things better. Former Apple creative director Ken Segall reflects on his time at the tech innovator to explain why simplicity is also the foundation of great business practice in today’s complex world.
The world is changing rapidly and companies need new approaches to master the new environment. Rosabeth Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School shares her insights.
“It’s not called failing any more, it’s called learning”: Mohanbir Sawhney, Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, details the concept of agile innovation and shares three ways in which businesses can transform to become agile innovators themselves.
There is no trade off between wellbeing and business metrics. We’re at a turning point in terms of how we prioritise what matters in business and our own lives. Arianna Huffington shares her insights on how to thrive.
The world’s indisputable authority on emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman’s contributions to the field of psychology have had a transformational impact on the world of business and beyond.
Disruption is impacting both businesses and communities. But there are greater opportunities for business to solve for both. Professor Ian Williamson of Melbourne Business School shares his insights.
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on why he’s good at failure, the need to protect information integrity and what he’s about to launch next.
There is a strong business case for diversity beyond legal and moral imperatives. Our panel moves beyond the rhetoric to explore how to bring diversity to life.
Former Facebook marketing director Randi Zuckerberg shares her views on why everyone is an entrepreneur, why every company should do hackathons and why failure is just the start of success.
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