Asset finance and leasing is in a growth phase in Australia as organisations seek a capital-effective way to modernise and upgrade across a broad range of asset classes and industries.
Asian investors and Australian infrastructure
Asian investors are poised to play a key role in helping to manage Australia’s current stock of infrastructure, and planning and funding it for the years to come.
With Australia’s population forecast to expand 1.3 percent per year to 2055, more than twice as fast as China’s, investment in infrastructure is essential to maintaining a high quality of life for our citizens and supporting economic growth.
This investment increasingly needs to come from the private sector to alleviate the funding pressures on governments and to help develop efficient, responsive infrastructure services.
Asian investors are poised to play a key role in this mix helping to manage Australia’s current stock of infrastructure, and planning and funding it for the years to come.
This paper explores Australia’s infrastructure landscape from the perspective of the Asian debt and equity investor, and includes themes of customer-centric infrastructure and a focus on the service the infrastructure provides provided rather than the asset.
Please download the paper Asian Investors & Australian Infrastructure (PDF 1MB) and infographic Asian Investor & Australian Infrastructure – Infographic (PDF 516KB) produced by our expert team in Asia to find out more.