June 30, 2022

NAB Commercial Property – Insights and Impacts of the Economic & Interest Rate Outlook – Webinar Highlights

An exclusive webinar on Commercial Property. Watch now.

Our highly anticipated first commercial property webinar for 2022 saw over 100 Commercial Real Estate customers join Michelle Whateley – Specialised Business Bank Executive – Commercial Real Estate to hear the latest insights.

Taylor Nugent – NAB Economist shared the latest economic insights and outlook.

Andrew Ballantyne – Head of Research for JLL was interviewed by Mark Browning – NAB’s Head of Property Services Group on the implication of the economic and interest rate outlook on commercial property.

The extensive interview covered:

  • A snapshot of the market so far this year – office, industrial, retail,
  • who is buying and who is selling in the current market and their motivations,
  • the depth of current purchase demand,
  • implication of interest rate on cap rates, valuations and purchaser considerations,
  • how Australian key assets priced relative to global alternatives, and
  • the prospect for income growth given the higher inflation environment and demand.

Watch the video