August 28, 2024

NAB Health Insights podcast: Part 3

NAB Head of Behavioural and Industry Economics Dean Pearson sat down with the PodMD team to discuss our recent NAB Health Special Report (Part 3). PodMD create podcasts for medical professionals.

In part one NAB asked a large representative sample of health consumers across the country to tell them about their experiences with the health system. In the second part of the series we detail how Australians feel about their own health and what they think about the services being provided to them. 

Part 3 explores some of the most important factors for health consumers when searching for a health professional. 

Listen to the podcast below: 


This podcast first appeared on the PodMD website. 

Read the reports here: 

NAB Health Insights Special Report (Part 1) 

NAB Health Insights Special Report (Part 2) 

NAB Health Insights Special Report (Part 3) 


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