February 1, 2016

US Economic Update – GDP Q4 2015

U.S. GDP growth slowed in the December quarter to 0.2% qoq (0.7% annualised).

  • U.S. GDP growth slowed in the December quarter to 0.2% qoq (0.7% annualised).
  • Most components slowed or stayed weak. The main detractors from growth were inventories and net exports. US dollar appreciation and falling energy prices are weighing heavily on some sectors.
  • Despite these headwinds, over the last year domestic final demand has held up, and the economy is expected to growth at a moderate pace. We expect GDP growth of 2.2% in 2016 (previously 2.3%) and 2.3% in 2017, although downside risks have increased.

For further analysis download the full report.

US Economic Update – September 2024US Economic Update – September 2024

US Economic Update – September 2024

16 September 2024

The August employment data showed the unemployment rate ticked down to 4.2%, as widely expected, but payrolls growth has slowed and a trend rise in the unemployment rate is still intact.

US Economic Update – September 2024US Economic Update – September 2024
