October 1, 2022

Sustainable Finance market overview: October 2022

A look at what's been happening in the sustainable finance market in Australia and abroad.

Market overview August 2022

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) sustainable finance market trends2

  • According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, US$946.3bn of sustainable debt was issued in the year to date, this is lower than the US$1082.8bn issued during the same period in 2021.
  • Green bonds and sustainability linked loans form the majority of sustainable debt issued, accounting for ~40% and ~28% respectively.

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1 https://www.iif.com/Portals/0/Files/content/IIF%20ESG%20Flows%20and%20Markets_August%202022_v1.pdf
2 BNEF Sustainable Debt Tool (August 31, 2022)