Past the trough

How to add Australian Debt Securities & Corporate Bonds to a portfolio. We bring you the third of five research reports examining the Australian corporate bond market. In this report we cover the important topic of accessing the fixed income market and the various methods investors can use to access debt securities and corporate bonds.
National Australia Bank is committed to contributing to the development of the corporate bond market in Australia and believes education plays a critical role. Developing a deeper and more liquid corporate bond market in Australia will not only offer more diversity of choice to investors, but also broaden corporate funding sources and help companies facilitate their growth aspirations.
The Australian Centre for Financial Studies (ACFS) has released the third in a series of reports about the corporate bond market in Australia prepared for National Australia Bank.
The third report covers the important topic of accessing the fixed income market and the various methods investors can use to access debt securities and corporate bonds.
Steve Lambert, Executive General Manager, Debt Markets, Product & Markets said NAB had been a strong advocate for the further development of the corporate bond market and was pleased with the way this has progressed.
“In the last 18 months, we’ve seen legislation to simplify corporate bonds issuance pass the House of Representatives and look forward to seeing its passage through the Senate. We have also seen growth in the bond markets, both government and corporate,” he said.
“Materials such as these ACFS reports will provide a greater understanding of corporate bonds and therefore take us a step closer towards a deeper and more liquid corporate bond market.”
To find out more download the full report:
The second report in the series outlined the importance of understanding the different types of corporate bonds, the nature of risks involved and what levels of return is appropriate. Why do companies issue corporate bonds and how do the risks differ from company shares?
The first report in the series examined the importance of corporate bonds as an asset class for investors, and discussed the reasons they should be considered as part of a diversified investment portfolio:
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