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National wellbeing improves after falling in the previous two quarters, but anxiety continues to rise with more than one-third of Australians currently “highly” anxious. The NAB Australian Wellbeing Index rose to 64.6 points in Q1 2014 (63.5 points in Q4 2013).
National wellbeing improves after falling in the previous two quarters, but anxiety continues to rise with more than one-third of Australians currently “highly” anxious.
The NAB Australian Wellbeing Index rose to 64.6 points in Q1 2014 (63.5 points in Q4 2013). This reflected improved life satisfaction, worthwhile life and happiness, which offset heightened anxiety. Tasmania rated highest for overall wellbeing with Queensland the weakest state. Among the other key findings, overall wellbeing improved most among males aged 18-29 and females aged 30-49, defacto couples, single person households and those not employed or not retired. In contrast, overall wellbeing was rated somewhat lower among labourers, part time employees, those that did not finish high school, widows, divorced people and those living in rural towns and the bush. In a Special Report (“Factors Impacting Wellbeing”) also released today, we examine the key drivers of wellbeing. The most important influences on positive wellbeing include: personal relationships, personal safety and the house you live in. In contrast financial security, physical health, standard of living and mental health detracted most from wellbeing.
For further analysis download the full report.
View the Quarterly Australian Wellbeing Index Q1 video
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