Our economists stayed up all night so they could break down the Federal Budget for Australian businesses and individuals. Watch their take.

Cashflow still the biggest risk to business but concerns around profitability continue to rise.
Cashflow continued to weigh most heavily on SMEs in Q3 identified by almost 4 in 10 business owners or managers. Profitability has however become more problematic, with the number of SMEs citing this as a key risk climbing for the second straight quarter. Inflation and cost of doing business came in third on the list of biggest risks to business. Among other key takeouts was an ongoing fall in concern in regard to Government policies & regulations, work-life balance and fuel prices. While unchanged over the quarter, a considerable number still worry about staff turnover & labour shortages, while the number worried about interest rates continued to inch up as official rates continue to stay on hold.
For more information, please see the full report NAB SME Business Insights (Q3 2024)
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