Future trends

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Make your professional services firm a magnet for talent

Make your professional services firm a magnet for talent

28 October 2022

The coming months will be full of opportunity but also challenges for the growing professional services sector. With staffing a critical factor, we identify the trends you should navigate to become an employer of choice in 2023.

Make your professional services firm a magnet for talent


Insights, Trends & Case Studies

Land of Opportunity

Land of Opportunity

25 May 2022

Download NAB’s Regional & Agribusiness Horizons Report for compelling new insights into regional and rural Australia.

Land of Opportunity


NAB Monthly Business Survey: October 2019

NAB Monthly Business Survey: October 2019

12 November 2019

Conditions and confidence each saw a small improvement in the month with conditions edging up 1pt and confidence lifting 2pts – though both remain below average.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: October 2019
NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2019

NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2019

8 October 2019

Business conditions rose 1pt in September to +2 index points. This continues the below average run of business conditions but suggests that the trend weakening since mid-2018 has slowed.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2019
Eyes in the skies

Eyes in the skies

16 August 2019

More than mere high-tech toys, drones are being put to work by businesses around the world in a multitude of ways.

Eyes in the skies
NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2019

NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2019

13 August 2019

We're seeing below average confidence and conditions. The picture remains unchanged since last month - business sector has lost significant momentum since early 2018 and forward looking indicators don't point to an improvement in the near term.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: July 2019
Innovation Lessons from Israel

Innovation Lessons from Israel

19 July 2019

A new whitepaper from NAB examines how the Australian SME sector, and the country more broadly, can continue to prosper, and what we can do to support SMEs. Get the full picture.

Innovation Lessons from Israel
The future of health: CSIRO’s 4 key predictions

The future of health: CSIRO’s 4 key predictions

29 April 2019

CSIRO’s Future of Health report details what’s needed to keep Australia’s health system efficient, equitable and affordable. Here, we examine four key themes for healthcare business owners.

The future of health: CSIRO’s 4 key predictions
Accounting for the future – a new model for success?

Accounting for the future – a new model for success?

5 April 2019

Technology is changing the way accounting professionals work and the relationship they have with their clients. Cloud accounting business specialist Lielette Calleja shares the secrets of her own success and suggests ways to make the most of continuing transformation.

Accounting for the future – a new model for success?
NAB Monthly Business Survey: February 2019

NAB Monthly Business Survey: February 2019

12 March 2019

Business conditions fell by 3 pts to +4 index points in February, driven by declines in profitability (now +1) and trading (+8) sub-indexes. Employment was unchanged at +5. Confidence fell 2pts in the month to +2 index points.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: February 2019
Changing the funding game

Changing the funding game

27 February 2019

Growth capital is more important than ever. But while we’re seeing new and innovative forms of funding stepping up to meet this need, it’s clear small and medium-sized businesses must step up too.

Changing the funding game
NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2018

NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2018

9 October 2018

Business conditions seem to have stabilised at high levels in recent months following some sharp falls earlier and the dip in confidence last month appears to have been temporary.

NAB Monthly Business Survey: September 2018
Is eHealth the key to a healthier practice?

Is eHealth the key to a healthier practice?

19 June 2018

An ‘e’ prefix tends to indicate a technological leap forward, and that’s certainly the case for ‘eHealth’. It’s helping patients manage their own health and changing their relationship with healthcare providers. So, where does that leave your bottom line? NAB’s Cameron Fuller examines the impact of technology and contemplates potentially profitable new business models.

Is eHealth the key to a healthier practice?
Face it: the future is here

Face it: the future is here

10 May 2018

Biometric authentication is being rolled out across various industries – and the possibilities feel endless.

Face it: the future is here
Changing the world, one investment at a time

Changing the world, one investment at a time

26 March 2018

Think charitable giving is the only way to make a valuable difference? Think again. You can now use your investments to help effect social and environmental change, with increasing opportunities to back projects that promise to address our world’s most pressing issues.

Changing the world, one investment at a time
The race is on: why Australia can lead in health innovation

The race is on: why Australia can lead in health innovation

25 January 2018

The race is on to cut costs and save lives. As a nation, we have an impressive history of healthcare innovation – but what of the future? And what’s our place in the race to find new, cost-effective ways to diagnose, treat and prevent illness?

The race is on: why Australia can lead in health innovation
Australia’s rising tide of craft beer

Australia’s rising tide of craft beer

11 December 2017

The craft beer industry has exploded in Australia. Four brewers explain what’s driving demand, where the sector is headed and what others entering the industry might consider.

Australia’s rising tide of craft beer
NAB champions community-led approach to social infrastructure

NAB champions community-led approach to social infrastructure

11 December 2017

Reduced government funding and a growing population are forcing local councils to find alternative funding for public assets and community projects. NAB has already started filling the gap, with new mechanisms opening up funding sources usually closed to small lenders.

NAB champions community-led approach to social infrastructure
Turning small tasks into big money

Turning small tasks into big money

19 June 2017

The gruelling task that moving house can be was the inspiration for the online marketplace startup that’s now grown to be a household name and is attracting big investment. Business View spoke to the co-founders of Airtasker, Tim Fung and Jonathan Lui, about their journey.

Turning small tasks into big money
Big data takes the guesswork out of farming

Big data takes the guesswork out of farming

10 January 2017

Big data could help level the playing field for small- to medium-sized farmers. The Australian Farm Institute’s Mick Keogh and Precision Agriculture’s Andrew Whitlock discuss the opportunities and how to make the most of them.

Big data takes the guesswork out of farming
How will Australians retire?

How will Australians retire?

20 October 2016

As Australia’s population ages and ‘baby boomer’ retirements head toward their zenith in 2025, a discussion on the Retirement Risk Zone, that is the 10 years leading to retirement, is timely.

How will Australians retire?
Partnerships with consumers – good practice, good business, good policy

Partnerships with consumers – good practice, good business, good policy

9 August 2016

This report looks into the growing trends of digitisation and how that is driving deeper partnerships with consumers. It is based on insights from industry experts, clients, NAB Health’s analysts, plus key strategy executives representing practitioners, pharmacists, and corporate health.

Partnerships with consumers – good practice, good business, good policy
Infrastructure Bonds: A missing market For retail investors?

Infrastructure Bonds: A missing market For retail investors?

22 July 2016

This is the sixth in a series of reports prepared by the Australian Centre for Financial Studies for National Australia Bank aimed at explaining the potential role of corporate bonds in retail investor portfolios and promoting growth of the corporate bond market.

Infrastructure Bonds: A missing market For retail investors?
Markets Today: China Matters

Markets Today: China Matters

13 May 2016

In a shock revelation, the Dallas Fed has published a note on its website saying that the impact of the Chinese economy on the U.S. has notably increased over the past two decades.

Markets Today: China Matters
Markets Today: No retail therapy

Markets Today: No retail therapy

12 May 2016

The rise in oil prices overnight were not enough to prevent retail driven decline in US equity markets. The US dollar was weaker across the board and a solid 10y US Treasury auction amid a cautious mood helped core global yields move lower.

Markets Today: No retail therapy
High tech solution fattens Australian cows

High tech solution fattens Australian cows

23 February 2016

An advanced software system developed in Alice Springs called Precision Pastoral Management System (PPMS) is helping cattle farmers manage their land better by identifying areas in their production cycle that need to be improved. It could add an estimated $70,000 to the bottom line for the average rangeland cattle property.

High tech solution fattens Australian cows
Number crunch: Business innovation

Number crunch: Business innovation

23 February 2016

Innovation is a key driver of business success. It’s typically defined by a firm’s knowledge of the market and customers, constant process reviews, learning from failures and passion and drive.

Number crunch: Business innovation
Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost

Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost

18 February 2016

The recent Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper committed $4 billion to the sector but is that enough to support potential growth? Simon Talbot, CEO of the National Farmers’ Federation, discusses the gains, the gaps and why the industry needs to revisit its image.

Agricultural industry receives $4bn boost
In Focus: Dairy January 2016

In Focus: Dairy January 2016

18 January 2016

Australian producers have been shielded from much tumult by a lower Australian dollar and a large and relatively stable domestic market.

In Focus: Dairy January 2016
Where are the opportunities for healthcare in 2016?

Where are the opportunities for healthcare in 2016?

24 December 2015

Significant government reforms, shifting demographics and increased access to nationwide health data will underpin opportunities – both foreign and domestic – for Australian healthcare providers in 2016. NAB’s Paul Littleton and Dean Pearson highlight the key trends.

Where are the opportunities for healthcare in 2016?
Stay optimistic

Stay optimistic

11 December 2015

There have been some volatile shifts in the global economy recently, prompting pessimists to declare that there’s a 50–50 chance of Australia going into recession. However, a closer look at the numbers behind the forecasts shows there’s plenty of reason for optimism.

Stay optimistic
New Payments Platform set to transform Australian business

New Payments Platform set to transform Australian business

2 December 2015

From real-time payment processing to seamless reconciliation, the New Payments Platform (NPP) will transform the way we transact and do business. Eric Tsang, Head of Group Payments Development at NAB, discusses the potential of this world-leading Australian initiative.

New Payments Platform set to transform Australian business
GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care

GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care

17 November 2015

Managing chronic conditions is a complex process. GP Tim Koh, co-owner of the Ocean Keys Family Practice in Western Australia, discusses how a multidisciplinary approach can help patients to take better care of themselves and why a GP is best placed to co-ordinate the team.

GPs take on the role of managing multidisciplinary care
NAB Charitable Giving Index: Indepth report – 12 months to August 2015

NAB Charitable Giving Index: Indepth report – 12 months to August 2015

26 October 2015

Charitable giving in Australia grew in the year to August, with people continuing to give more to charity despite persistent doubt about the economy. Overall giving to charity grew by 4.9 per cent in the 12 months to August 2015. However, this is down from growth of 7.8 per cent the previous year.

NAB Charitable Giving Index: Indepth report – 12 months to August 2015
Digital transformation for governments

Digital transformation for governments

12 October 2015

According to a recent report from Deloitte Access Economics, Digital Government Transformation, governments have already adopted a range of digital innovations and are gradually moving services online. However, they’re lagging behind both the private sector and their own customers.

Digital transformation for governments
Health in Focus: Aged services insights

Health in Focus: Aged services insights

9 October 2015

Health represents one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the Australian economy. This insight paper has been prepared by NAB Health to address current issues and trends emerging in the Australian Aged Care Services sector.

Health in Focus: Aged services insights
State Economic Handbook: Shifting sands

State Economic Handbook: Shifting sands

11 September 2015

Economic activity is shifting back to the eastern seaboard as the economy transitions towards non-mining sources of growth with domestic demand will be strongest in New South Wales and Victoria.

State Economic Handbook: Shifting sands
Engaging with Indonesia

Engaging with Indonesia

3 September 2015

Indonesia is Australia’s 11th-largest export market and 12th-largest trading partner. From what to wear to business meetings to how best to manage the decision-making process, we share tips to help Australian businesses prepare for opportunities within the world’s 16th-largest economy.

Engaging with Indonesia
Telstra’s huge play in eHealth

Telstra’s huge play in eHealth

2 September 2015

Telstra has now invested $237 million in 17 healthcare industry acquisitions, investments and partnerships in order to roll out numerous eHealth initiatives, with the ambition of establishing itself as Australia’s leading eHealth provider.

Telstra’s huge play in eHealth
Pioneers in the piggery

Pioneers in the piggery

28 July 2015

The Brosnans used innovative technology to create a 1,300-sow piggery that’s efficient, humane and powered by electricity generated from pig manure and other waste products. We look at how they’re leading the way with their sustainable, whole-of-farm approach.

Pioneers in the piggery
Health in Focus: Health Insights

Health in Focus: Health Insights

15 July 2015

NAB Health shares insights into the changing landscape of the health sector in Australia, providing findings from customers and key sector strategy executives for Practitioners and Specialists, Pharmacy and Corporate Health.

Health in Focus: Health Insights
Using online talent in your business

Using online talent in your business

7 July 2015

Australian companies are leading the world in their use of online freelancers. Kyri Theos, Australian Country Manager of Upwork, and Toby Jenkins, co-founder and CEO of Bluewire Media, discuss how having international access to millions of skilled people could change the way we do business.

Using online talent in your business
Improving access to the Corporate Bond market for retail investors

Improving access to the Corporate Bond market for retail investors

29 June 2015

NAB joins with the Australian Centre for Financial Studies to launch their report ‘Improving access to the Corporate Bond market for retail investors’ which assesses where the market currently is, the factors affecting its growth, and the impediments to connecting investors and issuers.

Improving access to the Corporate Bond market for retail investors
Chasing the charitable dollar

Chasing the charitable dollar

9 June 2015

As economic and consumer dynamics change, Australia’s charities are looking for new ways to earn a buck. Andrew Loveridge, Head of Government, Education and Community Business, and Nicole Brasz, Marketing and Fundraising Director at Save the Children, discuss the brave new world of fundraising.

Chasing the charitable dollar
The trends in giving

The trends in giving

2 June 2015

NAB recently hosted a breakfast to share insights from the NAB Charitable Giving Index report. Panellists discuss the impact of the economy on giving, giving trends, and how charities are leveraging data and digital channels.

The trends in giving
Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)

Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)

27 May 2015

Three successful CEOs talk about the most significant challenges they’ve faced in growing their businesses and managing their own careers. Radek Sali from Swisse, Liz Butcher from ISGM and Nick Abboud from Dick Smith shared their experiences at World Business Forum with facilitator Professor Geoff Martin from Melbourne University.

Lessons learnt from successful CEOs, World Business Forum (Sydney)
Australian States Handbook – April 2015

Australian States Handbook – April 2015

1 April 2015

The divergence between mining and non-mining state economies continues, although with mining investment now winding down it is the major non-mining economies that are starting to outperform. Budget positions improving but focus remains on reducing expenditure.

Australian States Handbook – April 2015
Emerging Commodities: Quinoa

Emerging Commodities: Quinoa

29 January 2015

Since 2008, global quinoa consumption has rapidly increased. In Australia, planting has been concentrated largely in Western Australia. While there are potential benefits from diversification for wheat producers, concerns remain around reliability of yield, weed control and marketing.

Emerging Commodities: Quinoa
Game changer for agribusiness banking

Game changer for agribusiness banking

28 January 2015

A recent survey of over 5,000 farming customers found that 74 per cent had made changes to their businesses as a result of natural resource sustainability in the past two to three years. NAB is stepping up its recognition of the benefits of sustainable business practices.

Game changer for agribusiness banking
Looking forward to a good year

Looking forward to a good year

23 January 2015

2015 could be a very good year for agribusiness, with easier access to Asian markets and favourable economic conditions. Five of NAB’s leading commentators take a close look at the opportunities and share their tips on how to make the most of them.

Looking forward to a good year
Change and opportunity for healthcare in 2015

Change and opportunity for healthcare in 2015

21 January 2015

2015 could stand out as a year of change for the health sector – so where do the best opportunities lie? Dean Pearson, NAB’s Head of Industry Analysis, and Melissa Timbs, Senior Policy Advisor - NAB Health, look at how the changes could work in your favour.

Change and opportunity for healthcare in 2015
Funding Australia’s infrastructure future

Funding Australia’s infrastructure future

9 January 2015

Infrastructure Partnerships Australia estimates that $700 billion of funding is needed over the next decade to finance the long term infrastructure investments – the nation building – we need to secure our future. We look at the building blocks that are falling into place.

Funding Australia’s infrastructure future
The World in 2015: driving sustainable development

The World in 2015: driving sustainable development

26 November 2014

The World in Gala Dinner evening, inspired by The Economist's annual The World In... publication, returned to Sydney last night. Helen Clark, UN Development Programme Administrator, shared how the UN is mobilising the expertise and ideas countries need to drive sustainable development.

The World in 2015: driving sustainable development
The World in 2015: China, education, technology and policy

The World in 2015: China, education, technology and policy

26 November 2014

The World in Gala Dinner evening, inspired by The Economist's annual The World In... publication, returned to Sydney last night. China Business Editor and Shanghai Bureau Chief, Vijay V Vaitheeswaran, shared the publication’s key predictions for 2015.

The World in 2015: China, education, technology and policy
The World in 2015: Daniel Franklin’s top 12 predictions

The World in 2015: Daniel Franklin’s top 12 predictions

26 November 2014

The World in Gala Dinner evening, inspired by The Economist's annual The World In... publication, returned to Sydney last night. Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist and Editor of 'The World In…', shares his annual collection of forecasts for the year ahead.

The World in 2015: Daniel Franklin’s top 12 predictions
Exciting opportunities for Australian agribusiness

Exciting opportunities for Australian agribusiness

18 November 2014

Following the signing of the China-Australia Free-Trade Agreement yesterday, NAB General Manager Agribusiness, Khan Horne said dairy, beef, lamb, wine, horticulture, grains and seafood are some of the sectors set to benefit, and that it's an exciting for many farmers across the country.

Exciting opportunities for Australian agribusiness
A new funding model for local government

A new funding model for local government

7 November 2014

Changes to the financial sector’s Basel III rules are making it expensive for councils to borrow from banks. NAB’s James Waddell explains how the Local Government Funding Vehicle (LGFV) will create efficiencies, reduce borrowing costs and open up new avenues for local council finance.

A new funding model for local government
Q3 CPI – Electricity Prices

Q3 CPI – Electricity Prices

17 October 2014

Residential electricity prices consist of wholesale, network, environmental policies (such as the Renewable Energy Target), and retail costs and margins. In Q3, wholesale costs were affected by the removal of the carbon tax as well as changes to regulated prices in some States.

Q3 CPI – Electricity Prices
Agriculture infrastructure development in Australia

Agriculture infrastructure development in Australia

14 October 2014

Could Australia become “the food bowl of Asia”? NAB’s Frank Drum and Ben Matigian look at the infrastructure gap in Australian agriculture and the potential for strategic investment in the sector.

Agriculture infrastructure development in Australia
BeefEx told China’s shift to trade offers opportunity

BeefEx told China’s shift to trade offers opportunity

8 October 2014

Speaking at the BeefEx conference on the Gold Coast today, NAB’s Regional Head of Food and Agribusiness, Patrick Vizzone, explained that China is changing how it does business and the shift in thinking from self-sufficiency to trade provides a massive opportunity for beef exporters.

BeefEx told China’s shift to trade offers opportunity
From pet project to successful vet practice

From pet project to successful vet practice

6 October 2014

After co-founding the first privately run specialist veterinary practice in Sydney, Dr Sarah Goldsmid swam against the tide of the GFC and expanded her business. A finalist in last year’s Telstra Business Women’s Awards, she explains how a passion for surgery continues to drive her success.

From pet project to successful vet practice
China’s rising economy fuels demand for Australian exports

China’s rising economy fuels demand for Australian exports

1 October 2014

The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) promotes trade and investment between Australia and China. National President, Duncan Calder reflects on this critical partnership as China’s burgeoning economy fuels unprecedented demand for Australian supplies and services.

China’s rising economy fuels demand for Australian exports
AFR Special Report: Social Impact Investing

AFR Special Report: Social Impact Investing

30 September 2014

Following a recent NAB-hosted roundtable event on Social Impact Investing, The Australian Financial Review today released editorial covering the topic from two journalists who were in attendance, James Dunn and Jonathan Shapiro.

AFR Special Report: Social Impact Investing
Cutting through in South Korea

Cutting through in South Korea

24 September 2014

With imports and exports worth $9 billion and $19 billion respectively, the Republic of Korea is Australia’s fourth-largest trading partner. We share tips to help Australian business prepare for opportunities in South Korea.

Cutting through in South Korea
Leading the way for Australian agribusiness to China

Leading the way for Australian agribusiness to China

9 September 2014

China accounts for a staggering 43 per cent of the projected increase in global agrifood demand over the next 35 years, and Australian agribusinesses are positioning themselves now to seize the business opportunities.

Leading the way for Australian agribusiness to China
Volunteers enhancing healthcare

Volunteers enhancing healthcare

8 September 2014

Barwon Health’s Volunteers Services Director sees volunteers as community advocates who enhance the healthcare experience of consumers. Recognised at the 2014 NAB Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards, Zoe Waters is now taking her message to a wider audience.

Volunteers enhancing healthcare
Breeding Merinos for easy management and greater profit

Breeding Merinos for easy management and greater profit

1 September 2014

Keen to encourage young people to enter the sheep, meat and wool industry, Don and Pam Mudford changed the way they did business to better suit the next generation. Don opens up about his family’s commitment to breeding hardier sheep and the challenge of encouraging young people into farming.

Breeding Merinos for easy management and greater profit
Australian Business Diversity Index – Q2 2014

Australian Business Diversity Index – Q2 2014

29 August 2014

The inaugural NAB Australian Business Diversity Index is a new addition to NAB’s Quarterly Business Survey, and it aims to help Australian industries and businesses better understand diversity performance, in an effort to drive change.

Australian Business Diversity Index – Q2 2014
Australian States Handbook 2014

Australian States Handbook 2014

22 August 2014

Australia’s Federal system of Government makes State Governments a critical part of the overall fiscal and economic performance of Australia. This handbook is intended to provide a comprehensive update and reference tool on both the economies and fiscal finances for each State.

Australian States Handbook 2014
Indonesia takes on Top End cattle

Indonesia takes on Top End cattle

15 August 2014

In the wake of Japfa Comfeed Indonesia’s acquisition of two Top End cattle stations Samuel Wibisono, Japfa’s GM Beef Division, explains the opportunities and challenges for Australian beef exporters into a growing Indonesian market.

Indonesia takes on Top End cattle
The future of clinical trials in Australia

The future of clinical trials in Australia

7 August 2014

Clinical trials provide access to new treatments, contribute to Australia’s economy and support our public sector institutions. Dr Brendan Shaw, Medicines Australia Chief Executive, discusses the challenges and opportunities that are shaping our innovative medicines industry.

The future of clinical trials in Australia
Managing the rising cost of an ageing population

Managing the rising cost of an ageing population

23 July 2014

In 40 years, about a quarter of Australia’s population will be over 65. Michael Bassingthwaighte, CEO of Peoplecare, explains how a closer relationship between private health funds and GPs could improve patient wellbeing and manage increasing costs.

Managing the rising cost of an ageing population
Three generations of farmers, one community spirit

Three generations of farmers, one community spirit

16 July 2014

Many things have changed since Malcolm Knight’s grandfather ran Golden Wattle farm, but the family’s commitment to the community is stronger than ever. Knight discusses the changes, the challenges, and a welcome trend for more young people to return to the family farm.

Three generations of farmers, one community spirit
Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable

Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable

15 July 2014

With information about prices, market trends and the supply chain, farmers can plan more effectively and run a more profitable business. Mick Keogh, Executive Director of the Australian Farm Institute (AFI), explains the importance of statistics and where to find the most useful ones.

Accurate statistics can help farmers to be more profitable
Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey

Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey

14 July 2014

Australian businesses are increasingly exporting to Asia. Business View talks to Thermal Electric Elements (TEE), a manufacturer of custom-made heating units and elements, about their journey east and the impact it’s had on their business so far.

Aussie Exporters and their Eastern Odyssey
How Facebook can help build your business

How Facebook can help build your business

1 July 2014

Facebook can be good for business, but many business owners aren’t sure how to use it effectively. Steve Hibberd, co-founder of Tiger Pistol, discusses ways to make the most of Facebook by getting your message to the right people, as well as a special offer for NAB Business customers.

How Facebook can help build your business
Understanding your customers’ needs

Understanding your customers’ needs

19 June 2014

Michael Worthington, Chief Executive Officer of PMA Australia-New Zealand, says the produce sector is ripe with fresh opportunities for fruit and vegetables growers of all sizes – as long as they keep pace with their customers’ changing needs.

Understanding your customers’ needs
Discover the opportunities within emerging Asian economies

Discover the opportunities within emerging Asian economies

17 June 2014

While China remains our biggest trading partner, other emerging Asian nations – including ASEAN, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan – are critical sources of imports and exports for Aussie SMEs. Understanding these regional economies and their distinct differences is critical.

Discover the opportunities within emerging Asian economies
Business View magazine – Winter 2014

Business View magazine – Winter 2014

4 June 2014

In this edition, Business View magazine highlights the success of businesses working with, inspired and supported by family. Our cover story features how Mildura Brewery owners Stefano de Pieri and wife Donata Carrazza successfully blend family and business.

Business View magazine – Winter 2014
Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

29 May 2014

Good ideas with no execution ends in no results. There are seven simple tools for developing a culture of excellent execution, says global business and leadership consultant Ram Charan. He has worked extensively with some of the world’s leading corporates.

Insights from Ram Charan from the World Business Forum (Sydney)
Insights from Andreas Weigend from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

Insights from Andreas Weigend from the World Business Forum (Sydney)

28 May 2014

In today’s increasingly digitised world, consumers are sharing data in unprecedented ways. Andreas Weigend, a Professor at Stanford University, has coined the term Social Data Revolution to represent this deep shift in how people make purchasing and lifestyle decisions.

Insights from Andreas Weigend from the World Business Forum (Sydney)
Alan Oster’s snapshot – Federal Budget 2014

Alan Oster’s snapshot – Federal Budget 2014

14 May 2014

NAB’s Group Chief Economist Alan Oster provides his overall summary of Joe Hockey’s 2014 Federal Budget, including his initial thoughts, how it could impact small and large business, and the wider economic implications for the Australian economy.

Alan Oster’s snapshot – Federal Budget 2014
2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis

2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis

13 May 2014

There’s a lot of change in this year’s budget, so understanding how the Federal Budget impacts you and your business can be challenging. That’s why our team of economists and industry experts have been working around the clock to break it down.

2014 Federal Budget – all the insights and expert analysis
China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses

China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses

5 May 2014

Patrick Vizzone, Regional Head of Food & Agribusiness, Asia, Institutional Banking reflects on how the outcomes of last November’s Third Plenary Session of China’s Communist Party’s Central Committee may shape the Australian agriculture sector.

China’s reforms & the implication for Aust. agribusinesses
Robots at your service

Robots at your service

23 April 2014

Robots are on the march. Most of them work on assembly lines, building cars, making electronic devices and processing food, drugs and chemicals. But robots are spreading beyond the factory - a trend that will accelerate in 2014.

Robots at your service
A fresh look at Australia in the Asian Century

A fresh look at Australia in the Asian Century

22 April 2014

Australia’s role in securing the food, water and supply chains of Asia will be dependent on our ability to embrace change and innovation. Dr. Ken Henry looks at the opportunities that exist for Australian businesses in the Asian century.

A fresh look at Australia in the Asian Century
The world in figures: IT software and services

The world in figures: IT software and services

22 April 2014

Software and services firms will have a good year in 2014 according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. Software spending by businesses and government will rise by 6.2%, while the canny consultants who explain how to use the stuff will enjoy revenue gain of 5.7%.

The world in figures: IT software and services
Here comes the sun: better times for the music industry

Here comes the sun: better times for the music industry

15 April 2014

The internet has always been the enemy of music executives, facilitating piracy, denting cd sales and encouraging people to download single songs instead of buying them by the dozen. But it will give executives something to sing about in 2014.

Here comes the sun: better times for the music industry
The world in figures: Travel and tourism

The world in figures: Travel and tourism

14 April 2014

In 2014, Asia will lead the way with outbound tourism growing by 7.9% according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. Whilst tourism worldwide will grow by a strong 5.3% in 2014, the biggest increase since 2010.

The world in figures: Travel and tourism
The world in figures: IT Hardware

The world in figures: IT Hardware

10 April 2014

More than $1trn will be spent on hardware, including telecommunications gear, in 2014 with tablets expected to grow by 40%, according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. Salespeople, executives and even doctors will find ever more uses for portable screens.

The world in figures: IT Hardware
Rural Commodities Wrap – February 2014

Rural Commodities Wrap – February 2014

25 February 2014

Australia is on track to be the third largest exporter of raw cotton in the world in 2013-14, with forecasts of just under one million tonnes according to the latest Rural Commodities Wrap. The AUD is forecast to track lower which should provide further benefits to exporters.

Rural Commodities Wrap – February 2014
Motor vehicle headwinds – February 2014

Motor vehicle headwinds – February 2014

14 February 2014

Toyota has announced it would terminate automotive manufacturing operations in Australia by the end of 2017. Ford and General Motors (Holden) previously announced they would close their operations in 2016. The strength of the AUD has weighed heavily on an already struggling industry

Motor vehicle headwinds – February 2014
Robots open the door to more profitable farming

Robots open the door to more profitable farming

7 February 2014

Robots are rapidly moving out of science fiction and on to the farm. Salah Sukkarieh, Professor of Robotics and Intelligence Systems at the University of Sydney, says they could soon be helping farmers to cut costs and increase yield - and that now is the time to prepare.

Robots open the door to more profitable farming
The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap

6 February 2014

There’s been a lot for Aussie businesses to talk about recently - from community newspapers to consumption of whiskey. Here's a selection of recent business insights to help you uncover the opportunities across all business sectors.

The talk of the town: NAB Business wrap
The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap

23 January 2014

There’s been a lot for Aussie businesses to talk about so far in 2014 - from weather predictions to our reading habits. Here’s a selection of recent business insights to help you uncover the opportunities across all business sectors in 2014.

The talk of the town: NAB business wrap
Emerging opportunities for facility management providers

Emerging opportunities for facility management providers

22 January 2014

As our population ages and demand for facility management services increases, hospitals are doing their best to manage costs. Ivan Fernandez, Industry Director at Frost & Sullivan, suggests ways for facility management providers to identify new opportunities and overcome challenges.

Emerging opportunities for facility management providers
CPI preview – December quarter 2013

CPI preview – December quarter 2013

22 January 2014

We expect Q4 underlying inflation to print at 0.6% (2.3% through the year) on Wednesday. This would be the fifth successive outcome in the bottom half of the RBA target range. Subdued wages growth and weak domestic demand continue to keep core inflation well under control.

CPI preview – December quarter 2013
Pedal to the metal

Pedal to the metal

15 January 2014

The limp performance of metals and bulk commodities over the past couple of years has resembled a unicycle rather than the superbike of previous years. According to Simon Wright of The Economist, the 2014 outlook for demand is rosier and commodity prices should start climbing once again.

Pedal to the metal
Digging deeper

Digging deeper

9 January 2014

Some of the world’s fastest-growing economies in 2014 will be in Africa. Since 2001, Africa’s GDP has expanded more quickly each year than the global average. In the past decade, only the block of developing Asian economies, led by China, has grown faster than Africa.

Digging deeper
The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier

The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier

7 January 2014

Start to prepare for a new era in the Australian Chinese relationship. Well within five years, instead of simply looking at Chinese manufacturing, Australia will look at the tourist bookings due to a very big rise in Chinese tourism.

The Middle Kingdom’s Australian frontier
Below the surface

Below the surface

6 January 2014

As many SMEs might be a million miles away from the mining and resources sector, it’s easy to think it’s all completely irrelevant. That’s not the case. It’s important that you're aware of the general direction of the industry because it can affect your own business.

Below the surface
2014 economic trends for small business

2014 economic trends for small business

1 January 2014

Through our partnership with Kochie’s Business Builders, David Koch speaks with NAB Chief Economist of Markets, Rob Henderson about his outlook for 2014. Join them as they discuss some of the big trends in the economy that may impact small business.

2014 economic trends for small business
Top 5 tech in 2014

Top 5 tech in 2014

23 December 2013

Smartphones and tablets are old news. The New Year promises tantalising prospects when it comes to new technology and innovation. Business Spectator explores the top five new technologies set to send pulses racing in 2014.

Top 5 tech in 2014
Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business

Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business

17 October 2013

Farmers’ Markets are helping to bridge the gap between the city and the farm. Jane Adams, National Representative of the Australian Farmers’ Markets Association, explains how farmers can benefit from selling directly to their consumers.

Farmers’ Markets – another way to do business
Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture

Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture

2 October 2013

The 2011 Agricultural Census reveals an evolving sector - in terms of both farm and farmer. With bigger farms and more sophisticated owners to contend with, service providers need to prepare for a new and challenging landscape.

Responding to the seismic shift in Agriculture
New market opportunities for wine in China

New market opportunities for wine in China

30 September 2013

Wine sales in China are expected to increase 50 percent between 2013 and 2016. Australian wine producers have the opportunity to differentiate themselves from international competitors by concentrating on marketing more premium vintages in China.

New market opportunities for wine in China
Corporate Finance Insights – September 2013

Corporate Finance Insights – September 2013

19 September 2013

In this edition of Corporate Finance Insights we focus on the value that can be unlocked in managing working capital, hear perspectives from industry leaders and share insight from NAB specialists into the major trends and opportunities for working capital management.

Corporate Finance Insights – September 2013
Will retiring baby boomers leave gaps in healthcare?

Will retiring baby boomers leave gaps in healthcare?

18 September 2013

More than a third of Australia’s general practitioners, nurses and specialists are over the age of 50, so what will happen when they all retire? Dr Henry Cutler, Director, Head of Health Economics at KPMG, discusses possible skills shortages and ways to ameliorate any emerging problems.

Will retiring baby boomers leave gaps in healthcare?
The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost

The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost

11 September 2013

The Patient-Centred Medical Home (PCMH) could improve overall population health and lower the cost of healthcare. Dr Eleanor Chew, Vice President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, explains the benefits of a voluntary system where one GP co-ordinates patient care.

The Medical Home: better health for a lower cost
Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset

Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset

4 September 2013

Four years ago, John Gladigau joined forces with fellow farmer Robin Schaefer to create a new business, Bulla Burra. Here Gladigau explains how the collaboration has led to improved efficiency, economies of scale and even a better lifestyle.

Collaboration creates a family farm with a corporate mindset
Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible

Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible

20 August 2013

Telehealth could provide many Australians with easier access to healthcare, monitor chronic illnesses more effectively and assist the ageing population. Dr James Freeman (pictured) founded GP2U to remove logistical obstacles to the uptake of telehealth, but other challenges remain.

Telehealth makes quality healthcare more accessible
Harnessing the value of an ageing workforce

Harnessing the value of an ageing workforce

1 August 2013

As the war for talent intensifies, business owners with an eye on the future are nurturing older workers. Michael Hyatt, Director, Human Capital Advisory at Deloitte Australia, discusses the benefits of maturity and the importance of harnessing skills and experience.

Harnessing the value of an ageing workforce
NAB changes rates call: Two cuts by year end

NAB changes rates call: Two cuts by year end

31 July 2013

We had already been forecasting a 25bps rate cut in August to 2½% and with the Governor giving the green light for lower interest rates this now looks a sure thing. We now also expect an additional 25bps cut to 2.25% before year end – most likely in November after the Q3 CPI.

NAB changes rates call: Two cuts by year end
Health care – Australia’s biggest employer

Health care – Australia’s biggest employer

19 July 2013

According to the 2011 Census, the Health Care and Social Assistance industry is now Australia’s biggest employer. The Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association’s Andrew McAuliffe discusses increasing demand, unequal growth and opportunities for innovation.

Health care – Australia’s biggest employer
We’re on the cusp of an agriculture career boom

We’re on the cusp of an agriculture career boom

2 July 2013

Agriculture in Australia has an exciting future. The changing landscape of Australian agriculture is creating a raft of opportunities across the sector and for the first time in years, agricultural student enrolments are up, and quite significantly.

We’re on the cusp of an agriculture career boom
Could teleworking be good for business?

Could teleworking be good for business?

26 June 2013

The NBN will make it possible for more employees to work anywhere - could that be good for your business? Dr Yvette Blount, Research Coordinator of Macquarie University’s Anywhere Working Research Network, discusses the benefits and obstacles you might want to consider.

Could teleworking be good for business?
Alan Oster’s pre-budget overview

Alan Oster’s pre-budget overview

10 May 2013

NAB’s Chief Economist, Alan Oster provides a pre-budget overview of the Australian economy focussing on what we’ve already seen from the Government and commentary on the deficit. Join us on Wednesday 15 May for a full budget breakdown.

Alan Oster’s pre-budget overview
CPI preview – March quarter 2013

CPI preview – March quarter 2013

24 April 2013

With little indication of inflation pressures emerging in the early months of 2013, we expect the CPI release (due 24 April) to confirm that underlying inflation remained subdued in March quarter 2013. We see underlying inflation remaining within the RBA’s target over the medium to longer…

CPI preview – March quarter 2013
Agribusiness View – February 2013

Agribusiness View – February 2013

28 February 2013

This month in Agribusiness View, we have an in-depth talk with food producer Maggie Beer, hear about Asia’s growing demand for milk and dairy products, and learn how grain growers can manage their risk. We also give you a new view on women in the agricultural industry.

Agribusiness View – February 2013
CPI preview – December quarter 2012

CPI preview – December quarter 2012

22 January 2013

We expect the December quarter CPI release (due 23 January) to confirm that inflationary pressures remained moderate in the final months of 2012. We expect a core inflation rate of 0.7% (2.4% through the year; including the impact of carbon), unchanged from the September quarter...

CPI preview – December quarter 2012
NAB changes interest rate forecasts for 2013

NAB changes interest rate forecasts for 2013

21 January 2013

RBA now expected to cut by 75 points to 2¼% as economy struggles. With the economy continuing to weaken and unemployment set to rise noticeably through 2013 the RBA will need to cut significantly further than previously expected in 2013.

NAB changes interest rate forecasts for 2013
Manufacturing Sector Insights – October 2012

Manufacturing Sector Insights – October 2012

24 October 2012

This edition explores key topics and issues which have real potential for impact on manufacturers and the concept of optimisation in the context of business models, capital structure, funding profiles, working capital efficiency, approach to risk management and cost base.

Manufacturing Sector Insights – October 2012
Global & Australian Forecasts – October 2012

Global & Australian Forecasts – October 2012

9 October 2012

Global economy slowing but recent advanced economy surveys show stabilisation. Broad-based slowing under way across emerging economies. Global forecasts a touch lower in 2013 but risks remain (US “fiscal cliff”). Australian economy softening to below trend amid restructuring stresses.

Global & Australian Forecasts – October 2012
Global & Australian Forecasts

Global & Australian Forecasts

11 September 2012

NAB’s Global and Australian Forecast provides a monthly snapshot of NAB’s global and domestic economic outlook. Global economy still slowing with softening across advanced and emerging economies. Growth set to pick-up in 2013 as worst economic risks averted. Australian economy still drifting through soft patch with falling commodity prices now weighing on mining. But investment […]

Global & Australian Forecasts
Global & Australian Forecasts – August 2012

Global & Australian Forecasts – August 2012

31 August 2012

Global economy slows with softening evident across advanced and emerging economies. Worst risks should be averted and global growth to pick-up slightly in 2013. Australian economy at trend but softening, while confidence helped by Euro-zone comments and lower interest rates. Labour market and orders still soft but activity to hold up sufficiently to circumvent need […]

Global & Australian Forecasts – August 2012
Quarterly Business Survey – June 2012

Quarterly Business Survey – June 2012

19 June 2012

Business conditions weaken; forward orders and other indicators of near-term demand still soft. Confidence slips further, with heightened European uncertainty seemingly outweighing relief provided from RBA rate cuts – new taxes may also be weighing on sentiment. Business conditions weakened in the June quarter, following modestly better activity over recent quarters. Official ABS data suggest […]

Quarterly Business Survey – June 2012
Quarterly business survey – March quarter 2012

Quarterly business survey – March quarter 2012

19 April 2012

The most comprehensive survey of current performance as well as near-term and medium-term expectations of the non-farm business sector, based on a survey of around 1,000 small to large sized companies. Business conditions edge higher but lack of jobs growth likely to keep near-term activity fairly soft. Confidence slips back and remains below trend. Forward […]

Quarterly business survey – March quarter 2012
Quarterly Business Survey – December quarter 2011

Quarterly Business Survey – December quarter 2011

9 February 2012

The most comprehensive survey of current performance as well as near-term and medium-term expectations of the non-farm business sector, based on a survey of around 1,000 small to large sized companies. Despite better business conditions and improved confidence, survey still only suggestive of an economy growing at around trend. Forward indicators slightly better, implying a […]

Quarterly Business Survey – December quarter 2011
Quarterly Business Survey – September quarter 2011

Quarterly Business Survey – September quarter 2011

20 October 2011

The NAB Quarterly Business Survey is the most comprehensive survey of current performance as well as near-term and medium-term expectations of the non-farm business sector, based on a survey of around 1,000 small to large sized companies. Business conditions slump and confidence falters mid-quarter, but monthly profile points to subsequent improving trend. Hours worked strengthens […]

Quarterly Business Survey – September quarter 2011
Top tips for global competitiveness

Top tips for global competitiveness

30 June 2011

Increasingly, Australian agribusinesses are competing with supply from South America and Africa to feed Asia and the northern hemisphere. NAB’s 2010 Agribusiness Leader of the Year, Alan Winney, explains how to profit from this trend.

Top tips for global competitiveness