January 6, 2014

New Year: a time to refresh and make the most of opportunities

New Year is the perfect time to be considering and reviewing your strategies for the year and putting your plans in place to make the most of opportunities. Our message to farmers is that if they’re ready for more in 2014, we’re here and ready for them.

If you’re making plans and setting goals for yourself for the new year, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same for your business. Agribusiness View chatted to Neil Findlay about planning your business year.

Many people use the New Year to reflect and make plans for the year ahead, and it’s also an opportunity to do the same for your business.

NAB Agribusiness is encouraging farmers to use that little bit of downtime over the holidays to do just that. “Now is a great time to be thinking about where your business is positioned, where you want to be and how you can get there,” said NAB’s Head of Agribusiness for Victoria and Tasmania, Neil Findlay.

“New Year is the perfect time to be considering and reviewing your strategies for the year and putting your plans in place to make the most of opportunities. Our message to farmers is that if they’re ready for more in 2014, we’re here and ready for them.”

Looking forward to June 2014, NAB expects production conditions for several commodities to be more favourable than last year with dairy, beef and lamb exports likely to be the strongest performers across the sector.

  • Plan: Look ahead at your business and plan for the best and worst case scenarios.
  • Review and consolidate: Revise your cash flow and budget to strengthen your balance sheet.
  • Expand: Look at how you want to grow your business and how you can make it happen.
  • Save: Put extra cash into high interest accounts (short term), Farm Management Deposits (medium term) or superannuation (long term).
  • Invest: Diversify your income and look at off-farm assets, including shares and property.
  • Talk: Start developing a succession plan and ensure the whole family is involved in the discussions.
  • Protect: Make sure you have insurance to cover your assets, including yourself.
  • Explore: Talk to your accountant about the tax implications of the year to date and fully explore your options.

“To ensure your business makes the most of the opportunities 2014 offers, it’s often a good idea to draw on the expertise of your local banker, accountant and farm consultants,” Neil said.

“Partners that understand but sit outside your business can offer a different perspective and help ensure you maximise results.”

More information

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: June 2024

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: June 2024

24 June 2024

The NAB Rural Commodities Index continued its upwards momentum and increased 1.4% month-on-month in May. The index is around levels seen in February 2023.

NAB Rural Commodities Wrap: June 2024
